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学校的好处作文英语 学校的好处与坏处

2024-06-03 09:30 高考励志 来源:

锻炼身体的好处,方式,以及对学校开展体育锻炼的看法或建议 的英语作文,80词左右


Proper exercises not only enable students to he a stronger body but also a good way to keep fit. Physical Education should not be replaced by other subjects such as English, Chinese,etc. School must encourage studetns to exercise regulary, n with some compulsory rules. Money to facilities is necessary to be allocated from school budget. To make exercise interesting, activties such as sports competition or s can be held yearly. Outdoor activities are also ailable.

学校的好处作文英语 学校的好处与坏处学校的好处作文英语 学校的好处与坏处

In conclusion, exercise benefits students a lot and great attention must be6.我的学校英语作文范文 drawn by school.

英语作文 ;《学习的好处》


语言的本质是工具,但人类在进步,时代在发展,在前进,英语已从一种工具变为一种思想,一种知识库。没有掌握外语犹如缺乏一种思想,缺少了一个重要的知识源泉一样。多学一种外国语,等于在本来没有窗的墙上开了一排窗,你可以领略到前所未有的另外一面风光The essence of language is a tool, but mankind in the progress of the times in dlopment, social aancement, English has become a kind of a tool of thought, a Knowledge Base. Do not he a foreign language as if the lack of a thought, the lack of a crucial source of the same knowledge. Learn a foreign language, equivalent to that do not he a window in the wall of a row of open windows, you can appreciate the other side to an unprecedented scenery


andflowres in the garden.In summer,wecan fly kites and piay sports in the piayground.there is abiglibrary in our shool.In the librry,you can read many intersting books.I like itvery much.

【 #英语资源# 导语】学校是我们学习知识,聆听老师教诲,和同学们一起成长的地方,我爱这个美丽的学校。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.我的学校英语作文范文

From my point of view, we must strengthen the mament of mobile phones.

Our school is an old school with beautiful environment.

Entering the school gate, the first thing we saw was a spacious playground, which is the world of our activities and entertainment. Our weekly flag raising ceremony is held here. When class is over, the whole playground will be lively. Some of the students play s, some jump rope, and some run. Everywhere is full of laughter and laughter.

Our school is a good place to learn. We grow up here and feel extremely proud!


Entering the school, you can walk up the steps and see the beautiful playground at a glance.

There are many tall and straight pine trees planted on both sides of the playground, like two rows of soldiers guarding our school. The ground is covered with green grass. They are like little elves, and they adorn our school in obscurity. It seems that there is a new life jumping on ry leaf. There are many purple pineapples on the all flower bed on their right. They are very fragrant and beautiful. It seems that many fairies in the sky come toger to play in the world... Although it is an ordinary rural primary school, it has unique verdant countryside. The blackboard on the classroom wall is bright in the black, so bright that it can reflect the desks and chairs placed in front of it.

Every day, we just sit here and accept the knowledge that the teacher has taught us. We are like all seedlings, sucking greedily at the rain with all faces.

My school, my second home.


Our campus, very beautiful, in a crowded street, but nr be disturbed by outside noise.

The campus in spring is a campus where rything recovers. In spring, grass comes out of the ground, as if to ask Mother Rain for a glass of water. Small flowers also quietly drilled out, adding a limit to the vitality of the campus.

Summer on campus is a hot summer. Willows grow long braids, and poplars stretch their hands long enough to provide us with shade. Sometimes, Mother Rain will pour a glass of water to make the grass and flowers drink happily.

Autumn on campus is a crisp autumn. Lees fall slowly, like a "rain of lees". In autumn, when I walk under the tree, the lees always fall on my head. Sometimes the caterpillar will fall down with the lees, which frightens me. Now in autumn, I dare not walk under the lees. Because I'm afraid the caterpillar will fall on my head again.

In winter, although there is nothing on campus. But occasionally, Snow Mother will scatter its white and beautiful flowers gracefully. When the white flowers floated down, the houses, trees and the earth were all dressed in silver and very beautiful. Moreover, we can make snowmen and he snowball fights in winter... We can play many s. We are all very happy. I like the campus in winter very much.

This is our beautiful campus! Look, the campus all the year round has different characteristics in each season. Campus I love you!


My campus is a beautiful place. It is located by the beautiful lake. There are many aanced teaching facilities, including playground, fountain and teaching building. Just entering the door, I saw the fountain with the word "hope" written on it. It said: Let's study hard. When summer comes, the fountain will spray water. When you stand beside the fountain, you will feel cool as autumn.

On the left side of the fountain is the playground. Around the playground are rows of holly trees, which keep their green color throughout the year. There is a beach in the lower left corner of the playground. Under the sunlight, it is shining like stars. Running and playing on the beach, a string of silver bell like laughter echoed on the playground.


I am studying in Experimental Primary School. Our school is and beautiful.

There is a dred year old tree in the school. Its vigorous branches are strong and strong. The upper branches extend far and wide. Like an old man, it protects the flowers and trees around. In the morning, the sun shines on this dred year old tree, which looks very beautiful. It seems that the whole body is covered with a light golden veil.

Come to the side of the playground, you can see a high rockery, a curtain of water pouring down from the top of the rockery, like a all watell. There are many fruit trees, pomegranate trees, grape trees, apple trees on the edge of the rockery... Every autumn, there are more children here, because they all want to pick fruit from the trees, just like me.

Our playground is very large, which can accommodate 5000 or 6000 people. In the middle of the playground is the flag raising platform. When the flag is raised ry Monday, students stand in line on the playground and salute the national flag with the majestic national anthem. It's a spectacular scene.

This is my school. I like my school.

Today I will take you to visit my school, because I he made many friends and learned a lot of knowledge there.

There is a security room at the gate of my school. There is a five-star red flag on the security room. Walking through a gate, you will find the teaching building. The roof of the teaching building is orange, the floor is white, orange and white, very beautiful.

After entering the teaching building, there will be a book bar in front. There are many books in the book bar, as well as a manual classroom. Go to the right of the handicraft classroom and go upstairs to my classroom.

There is a all library in my classroom. We often read books here. There is a cabinet in our class at the back with our things in it.

My forite place is the music room, because I like music. At the same time, I also like PE classes. In PE classes, we will run, jump rope and play s on the playground... When the teacher comes, we will line up quietly. After the teacher arranges the , we will start playing.

I like my school.


My school is a "all" school. Although it is not big, there are all kinds of facilities in the classroom, which can be said to be "all as a sparrow is, it has all the internal organs".

As it is a primary school in the countryside, there are green r fields around, no busy streets and noisy markets, so it can provide students with a good learning environment.

There is a unique commentator activity in the school, and I am also one of the commentators. Although it is hard to be a commentator, I learned a lot of knowledge about the ecological environment through the process of explaining the campus. It is very meaningful for me to participate in this activity.

In many places on campus, one of my forite places is "under the banyan tree". It is like a green ocean umbrella. Whenr we want to find a place to enjoy the cool or chat, we will find it. There are also sral orchids hanging on the banyan tree. When it blooms, it will decorate the banyan tree so beautifully that it can add some color to the banyan trees here.

This all and beautiful school is a place where we all learn toger. Let's cherish it and take good care of it.


My school is located in the west of the town, so it is called "Daxi" Primary School.

The surrounding environment of the school is beautiful. The r fields of one mu surround the periphery of the school. The wes of r, accompanied by the sound of reading, are like a faiand on earth.

Although the number of teachers and students in our school is not large, the sparrow is all and has all the internal organs. It has all the necessary equipment and multifunctional runways, so that we can run freely. In the classroom, there are comrs in the class, which is convenient for teachers to teach. Especially, the energy house using solar power has been reported, and all teachers and students are proud of it.

In the near future, the long-awaited Science Education Museum will soon be completed. Daxi not only has perfect hardware facilities, but also has a group of caring teachers to the school beautify the campus, maintain the safety of students, and make the atmosphere of the whole campus more warm.


My school is Chengguan No. 2 Primary School. I love my school.

Chengguan No. 2 Primary School is a school with beautiful environment. When entering the campus, I first saw three beautiful and spectacular teaching buildings, one in the middle, one on the left and one on the right. Each teaching building has three floors. The red wall tiles on the outside of the teaching building are so conspicuous in the sunlight. Entering the teaching building, spacious and bright classrooms are arranged orderly. The walls of the classroom are white and the desks are neat. I sit here ry day to study. The most beautiful one is the playground. The green lawn, the red runway, the bright flowers, especially the tall camphor trees, stand around the playground like powerful guards. It's very beautiful!

Chengguan No. 2 Primary School is a school with strong learning. You see, in the class, the students listened carefully, spoke actively, and completed the homework assigned by the teacher on time. Especially in the morning, before entering the campus, they could hear the students reading the text aloud. Sometimes the class was over, and some students were still reading the text or writing homework seriously. Most of the students rushed to the playground, some kicked the shuttlecock, some played basketball, and some chased... The playground became a sea of joy.

This is our school, a school with beautiful environment and strong learning. I love ry tree and grass here, and I love the teachers and students here n more.


My school is like a castle. There are two playgrounds in total. There is a big staircase in the middle. You can go up the staircase to the interior of the teaching building.

On the playground, we can play football toger. When I played football, I used my unique skill, that is, kick the ball. Our opponents were more powerful and kicked as high as a tree. I really envy them. I also want to kick to their ll. I also played basketball on the playground. When dribbling, the ball was like a naughty child, skipping. When playing basketball, when shooting, hold the ball and aim at the backboard first, then push up hard, and a ball will be thrown into it.

In the classroom, I learned a lot of knowledge. I was most interested in Hulusi. In this class, the teacher taught us Duo Laimi. In addition, I learned more beautiful and moving songs. In calligraphy class, the teacher told us who invented and what to use for writing brush characters. I was very interested.

Under the pomegranate tree in our campus, there is also a stone bench where I can enjoy the cool, which makes me feel very comfortable.

This is my beautiful campus. I can enjoy the cool under the trees and he a classroom where I can learn. I can learn knowledge and play happily at the same time. I love my school.































































































My school is very beautiful. It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school v.Theery much.

There is a big playground in my school. We he P.E. class on the playground and we often play sports on it , too. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The comr rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too. The teachers in my school are very kind . The students are very polite and art. I am happy in my school.

School are students second home.Every stuent loves their school.I like my school very much.My school is very great.Lt is the best school.My school taught mang excellet students.Five years ago,my school is and crude.There is only few students in our school. Now,our shool is beauiful.There are more than 5 thousand students.Equipement is very abundant.We can surf the Internet now.

I love my school.Myschool welcomes you.

Hi,boys and girls .DO you nove we he a beautiful shool.

My shool is very big and very beautiful.you can see many beautiful grass

In our shool,there are many n and strict teacher.they usually take care of usang work hard.when people talk about our teahcer,ryone would say"Oh they are good teacher,we alllakem very much."

I love my school very much.Welcome to my school ry time.

求英语作文 内容是现在许多学校都鼓励学生参加实践活动,假如你是李华,写封信谈谈你的看法 好处比如:

Dear all:

Summer more than two months, sped by, but in the short of over two months, through the social pract, let me understand a lot of things, and all of these will make me during a lifetime of use.

People in this life, the school can't be forr of school. Really the only a school forr, and that is the sociMy campus life is always full of energy and enthusia. I love spending time with my clasates, wher we're studying toger or just hanging out. There's always soming fun and exciting going on, from sports nts to talent shows. I also enjoy participating in clubs and organizations, where I can pursue my interests and make new friends. Even though there are challenges along the way, I am grateful for the experiences and memories that I he gained from my campus life.ety. As a 21 century of college students, social pract is lead us out of school, into society, active to understand the world, and participate in the society good form; Is to promote college students in reform and opening up, the workers and peasants to study, raises the exercise talent of good opportunities; Is the ascension we cultivate one's morality, set up the serv society thought and consciousness.

At the same time, social pract will deepen I with all social class people's feelings, close the distance I and society, also let himself in the pract of open up the vision, a growth of talent, further defined our young students become useful way and the shoulder historic mission. Society is a learning and education by the big classroom, in the vast universe and we value of life can be reflected. Our generation of college students, in future employment will be facing the intense market competition, social economic, political, and cultural rapid dlopment, the more added to our pressure, we must always remain vigilant, but also to actively engaged in the pract in, which is conducive to the overall dlopment of the individual, and to better keep up with The Times dlopment steps, for the competition in the future lay a solid foundation for himself in the fierce competition.

In pract, I also understand to, also has many shortcomings, in many ways can't be comprehensive, meticulous, that in pract many mistakes occur in, after the pract after, I will do the summary, in the later study and life, constantly remind yourself, no longer appear similar problems. This summer a social pract, enable themthe comprehensive quality improved, thought more mature, I hope they do it again, let me get better and more comprehensive exercise.

In the future the study life, I will put things right, the correct localization, vigorous study, and strive to improve their comprehensive quality, to adapt to the requirements of The Times we, do a to society, and useful to the people

Li Hua






My Campus Life



I enjoy spending time with my clasates and new friends. We often work toger on group projects and share our ideas and experiences.


My campus life has taught me many valuable lessons and ed me grow both academically and personally. I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that I he had, and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow on campus.



My Forite Part of Campus Life


My forite part of campus life is participating in extracurricular activities. I enjoy trying new things and meeting new people, and getting involved in clubs and organizations on campus allows me to do both.


I am a member of the debate team, which has ed me dlop my public speaking and critical thinking skills. I am also involved in a serv organization that allows me to give back to my community and make a difference in the lives of others.


Participating in extracurricular activities has not only ed me dlop important skills, but it has also allowed me to he fun and create memories that I will cherish for a lifetime.





题目:My Campus Life

My campus life is full of excent and challenges. Every day, I meet new friends, learn new things, and explore new opportunities.


In the morning, I attend classes and work on assignments. During lunchtime, I chat with my clasates and enjoy the delicious food in the cafeteria. After school, I participate in extracurricular activities such as sports clubs or music groups.


On weekends, I often hang out with my friends and explore the city. Sometimes we go to the mall, watch movies, or visit museums.


Overall, my campus life is busy but rewarding. I'm grateful for all the experiences and memories that I've gained so far, and I look forward to more aentures in the future.



题目:My Forite Part of Campus Life

My forite part of campus life is the clubs and organizations. There are so many different groups to join, each with its own focus and goals.


I'm a member of the debate club, which allows me to improve my public speaking and critical thinking skills. I'm also part of the environmental club, which organizes nts to raise awareness about sustaility and conservation.


Being part of these clubs has allowed me to meet new people who share similar interests and passions. It's also given me the opportunity to make a itive impact on the world around me.


Overall, I think that joining clubs and organizations is an essential part of campus life. It allows you to explore your interests, dlop your skills, and make meaningful connections with others.



题目:My Campus Routine

My campus routine is pretty much the same ry day. I wake up early in the morning and get ready for classes. After a quick breakfast, I head to school and attend lectures and labs.


During lunchtime, I usually eat with my friends in the cafeteria or grab soming to go from a nearby food truck. Afternoon classes are followed by study sessions at the library or group projects with clasates.


In the ning, I either participate in clubs or sports activities or work on assignments. Before bedtime, I always review my notes and prepare for the next day's classes.


Although my campus routine may seem mundane, I enjoy the structure and predictability of it. It s me stay organized and focused, and allows me to make the most of my time on campus.


As we know, with the dlopment of society, more and more students are hing cellso.phone. They are given as presents from parents, friends or relatives. In my opinion, the disaantages are much more obvious than aantages of using cellphone. Here are my reasons.

First, cellphone will distract us from listening to the teachers in class. For example, while we are hing class, and the cellphone rings, no doubt, it will distrub all of us, including teachers and students. So it will he an negative effect on our study.

Second, it is clear to us that using cellphone will do harm to our health and b写英文字母要掌握正确笔顺。如小写字母i ,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点。有的学生却按写汉字的习惯从上到下写,写快了,就会把点和下面的竖笔连在一起,显得十分别扭。字形t应为两笔。不少人却将两笔合成一笔,看上去不像t,倒像l或是e,难以辨认。另外,把r写成v,把q写成把g,把k写成h等等,都是中学生书写中常见的毛病。rain, according to the scientific survey. From the point of health,let's stop using the cellphone.

Last but not the least, many of us use cellphone to communicate with our friend. But the question is wher they are all good to you. It may easily lead to us he bad friends.



【篇一:我的学校英语作文】 Our school is located in the various ge the west side of town. Campus beautiful scenery, four seasons spring. The children grow up happily in the campus. Our campus is beautiful. Enter the school gate, the first thing you encounter is neatly flower bed. Flower beds in the lovely green grass, the grass is full of colorful flowers open. Wind, the scent will be filled with the wind the whole campus. In the flower beds and tall and straight pine tree, green bamboo, graceful willow. The plants and trees on campus dressed exceptionally beautiful. Our campus is sweet. The most beautiful buildings in our school is the teaching building. The students sit in capacious and bright classroom learning, the teacher hard to cultivate our growth. Early morning, lang lang's top fly out from the classroom, what the vo sounds beautiful. Our campus is boiling. A time to class, the playground is boiling up. The students some in the rope skipping, some in shuttlecock kicking, some are playing basketball, and playing s. The students he really happy ah. Our campus is really a beautiful vibrant campus. I love our school. 我们的学校坐落于诸葛镇的西边。校园里风景秀丽,四季如春。孩子们在校园里快乐地成长。 我们的校园是美丽的。进入学校大门,首先映入眼帘的是整整齐齐的花坛。花坛中有可爱的绿草,草丛中开满了五颜六色的鲜花。微风吹过,花香就会随风弥漫整个校园。花坛中还有挺拔的松树,青翠的竹子,婀娜多姿的柳树。这些花草树木吧校园打扮得格外美丽。 我们的校园是温馨的。我们学校最漂亮的建筑物就是教学楼了。同学们坐在宽敞明亮的教室里读书学习,老师辛勤地培育我们成长。清晨,朗朗的读书声从教室里飞出来,那声音多么优美动听呀。 我们的校园是沸腾的。一到下课时间,场上就沸腾起来了。同学们有的在跳绳,有的在踢毽子,有的在打篮球,还有的在做游戏。同学们玩得可真开心呀。 我们的校园真是一个既美丽有充满生机的校园。我爱我们的校园。 【篇二:我的学校英语作文】 Campus will happen a lot of fun, ry day is wonderful, also very happy. The campus is busy in the morning. The students in the early morning will be carrying schoolbag hurriedly walked into the school gate. In the classroom, the heads of the busy bad, hen't packed side of the assignment, on the other side of the homework will heap of a mountain. The leader of some in operation, some in corrects students' s, busy busy. The other students hand operation began in a careful reading. Top a than a loud and clear, a model in the classroom , students face a happy ile. Hour in the morning is worth two in the ning, a day in the morning time is precious. The campus is quiet at noon. Especially in the spring afternoon. Grass asleep, flower bed, the tree also went to sleep, rything is so quiet, and occasionally heard a few birds. Downy sunshine sprinkled on the grass, flowers, trees, as if they covered the as a golden coat, let you feel very relaxed and comfortable. The campus is busy in the ning. Look! The pitch is in the basketball . Sral teacher took off his coat, and stretch out their legs, you pass the ball, he pitches, sweating, joy. The left of the playground, all groups of children happy jumping rope, leaping the footsteps, like low flying swallow, good light! The sun sets, the students just unwilling to lee the school. Like what magic campus, attract the students. Campus is busy, quiet, busy, and I felt that the campus is happy. I love the campus ry day! 校园里总会发生许许多多的趣事,每一天都很精彩,也很快乐。 校园的早晨是忙碌的。一大早同学们都会背着书包急匆匆地走进校门。教室里,小组长们可忙坏了,这边的作业还没整理好,那边的作业就堆成了山。组长们有的在收作业,有的在批改作业,忙得不亦乐乎。其他的同学一交好作业就开始用心的读书。读书声一次比一次响亮,教室里书声琅琅,同学们的脸上露出了满意的笑容。一天之计在于晨,早晨的时间是宝贵的。 校园的中午是安静的。特别是春天的午后。小草睡了、花儿睡了、大树也睡了,一切都是那么的安静,时不时还会传来几声鸟叫。柔和的阳光洒在小草身上、花儿身上、大树身上,仿佛为它们披上了一件金色的外衣,让你感到十分的轻松、自在。 校园的傍晚是热闹的。瞧!球场上正进行着激烈的篮球比赛。几名老师脱掉外衣,伸展四肢,你传球,他投球,打得汗流浃背,不亦乐乎。场的左侧,三五成群的孩子快乐的跳绳,那跃起的脚步,像极了低飞的燕子,好轻快呀!夕阳西下,同学们才依依不舍的离开学校。好像校园有什么魔力似的,吸引着同学们。 校园是忙碌的、安静的、热闹的,而我觉得,校园是快乐的。我爱校园的每一天!

There are teaching buildings, off buildings and electric classrooms around the playground. The teaching building is our learning place, where we learn and increase knowledge; The off building is where teachers work. Teachers recite lessons and correct homework here; There are aanced teaching facilities in the electric classroom, where we can learn a lot of scientific and technological knowledge.


asLike ry country has laws. Our school also has school rules. Students must get to school on time. They should wear school uniforms on weekdays. They shouldn't bring some things to school, such as, erous knives, cell phones and so on. They should respect each other and they shouldn't fight. If they go to school by bikes, their bikes should he brakes and bells.econd

it is very convenient and time-sing ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries.

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