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2024-06-03 09:33 高中学习 来源:


Wido it!th all these, I beli that nothing is difficult to the man who would try. We nr conquer the barrier without our effort

second,we often reasomn one thing from another in mathmatics.so if you are good at math,it means your logistics are quite good.


try and exert your strength, and then we will


我是如何克服学习英语的困难的-How I Overcame My Difficulties in Learning English You must write your comition in no less than 100 words on the Comition Sheet and remember to write it in readable handwriting. How I Overcame My Difficulties in Learning English? Most Chinese students he difficulties in learning English. The difficulties vary so much from person to person that it is difficult to cite here in a few words. SWhen you face with difficulty, which kind of attitude will you be?Give up or insist?Many people may insist at first, but finally give up.Sometimes you just need to try one more time that you overcome it.ome may he problems in reading. Others may he trouble in writing. I also had problems in English learning, but my difficulty seemed to lie in listening. For example, when tested for listening comprehension, I couldn't understand a single sentence, let alone a passage of medium ll. In order to overcome the difficulty in my English learning, I made great efforts to find the key to the problem. I consulted my teacher and found out that I merely didn't he enough time to pract listening. So I bought a tape recorder and listened to it at least two hours a day. In addition, I listened to "Special English" on VOA. I also went out of my way to speak to foreigners on the campus whenr we meet so that I could he the chance to listen to the native speakers. After half a year's hard work, I could get 70% of the questions correct in listening compreheFirst,during learning math,we need to think a lot.it does not like chemical which needs a lot exeperiment.so the more we learn it the more our imagination will be improved.nsion tests. I own my success to my English teacher. It is him who ls me the correct way to learn English. It is him who always encourages me when I encounter difficulties and feel disappointed.


overe all probNowadays, English is wievreyone both he problems,but the most important is how to deal it,because you can find a lot of happniess in the process. i always remenber that when i was young,i hated math very much,n i didn't want to listen any math class.but one day,my teacher said to me that i he to stady it,not only it's important,but also useful in daily life,and maybe the porcess is difficult but bitter pills may he wholesome(良苦口),after that he beli that i can sucsussful! so,i hard working ryday,and listen ry class carefully,if some exercises i don't konw how to work it out,i always asking teacher or each other.so now my math is good,and i also think that rytime i hard working to do these exercises,i'm happy!dely used in many international conferences and publications. It is significant that a person has the ability to use the language of English, so a large of people focus on study of English. Howr, learning English is not effortless like we imagined.lems and challenges。

How to overcome the difficulties,如何克服困难英语作文700字


Everyone faces difficulties in life at some point or another. It can be challenging to overcome these obstacles, but with the right mindset and approach, it is sible to turn these difficulties into opportunities for growth and success.

The first step in overcoming difficulties is to face them head-on. Ignoring or oiding the problem will only make it worse and delay the process of finding ayours solution. Instead, take a deep breath, evaluate the situation, and identify the root of the problem.

The next step is to dlop a plan of action. Break down the problem into aller, maable tasks and set achievable goals. Make a list of sible solutions and weigh the pros and cons of each one. It is important to be flexible and open to alternative solutions, as the first plan may not always work out as intended.

It is also important to seek support from friends, family, or professionals. Surrounding oneself with a itive and supportive network can provide the motivation and emotional support needed to overcome difficulties. A mentor or coach may also provide valuable guidance and a.

In addition, it is important to maintain a itive attitude and mindset. Reframe negative thoughts and focus on the progress being made, n if it is all. Celebrate all victories and use them as motivation to continue pushing forward.

Finally, it is important to pract self-care and ma stress. Take breaks, exercise, pract mindfulness, or engage in hobbies to alleviate stress and promote mental and physical health.



In the first place, in my opinion, I b如何解决英语学习中阅读困难在阅读中,首先需要积累一定的词汇量,当然词汇也是在阅读中不断积累的。国内英语教育常常把词汇单独拿出来要求学生背,其实这种方法有失偏颇。没有词汇在句子中的运用,学生是很难体会这个词的用法和此事在句子中的含义。语言需要体会,语言的美也是感受出来的。枯燥的背单词,很快这些单词会还给老师,甚至就是背了也不会运用到写作中去,那么基本这种方法只是为了一时的应付考试。在掌握词汇的过程中,要学会用词根词缀来学习词汇,找出规律就掌握了词汇的来源,哪怕一时不认识,结合上下文可能也估计出一二。eli that vocabularies are the most difficult一、细审题 to overcome the obstacle for us. There is no shortcut that we can remain them in our memories in a period of time. No pain, no gain. We must cost more time in order to remember them. In the second place, it is well known to us that reading is a correct way to study English. We can find out English articles from newss or magazines. In the final place, it is a good idea that we write some English comitions to express our emotions in blog. We will enhance our writing ability step by step.


Accordingly, some people give up, some persist.

Some people feel so dejected about their difficulties that they fall into pessimi; others resort to putting the blame on others, the society or circumstance; stilfaced with them, nothing is more important thanl others are frightened by difficulties and give up halfway. All these people don’t use their abilities to overcome difficulties. So their attitudes are negative.

Overcoming Difficulties


very difficult to maintain long-term, suggestions to make full use of good form, study hard!

The Southern Song Dynasty, the of the story of Liangshan spread widely. At the time of the painter, writer Gong the Song Jiang 36 people praise foreword "said: the story of Song Jiang, 36 people he been all over the streets; artists also penned for thei问题四:英语作文《如何面对困难》 how to face the problems? You should make lists of the things for which you are grateful in my life.Pract rhythm acts of kindness,forgive your enemies,not life,s all pleasures,pract itive thinkingr我现在克服的困难还不是康汉宁博士的一半,所以我要向康汉宁博士学习。 graphics has made


In conclusion, overcoming difficulties requires determination, planning, support, itivity, and self-care. It may not be easy, but with time and effort, it is sible to turn challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

As far as I am concerned, Edison is an example who succeeded because of his insistence.He had done a lot of experiments before inventing the light bulb.Among those experiments, there were many times of failure.Faced with the difficult, if he had chosen to give up, he wouldn't be such a huge scientist in the history.What can we learn from him?Obviously, nr easily give up when faced with difficulty.Success nr comes withouAt last but not least,you can enter into a good university to study when you are good at mathmatics.t hard work.


I still remember that I learned to ride bicycle when I was sn.My sister pushed my bicycle to me to ride.Few minutes later, she let it go, and I fell in the ground.She asked me to try one more time, I strove to ride.Finally, I did it.It is a happy memory for me.

No one knows how happy you will be after you try your best and succeed until you do it.That is to say, when you face with difficulty, don’t easily give up.Maybe just try one more time; you can get the fruits of victory.

在你努力取得成功之前没有人知道会有多么的幸福。也就是说,在你面对困难时,不要轻易放弃。也许只How to face the difficult English ition best with是再试一次;你就可以尝到胜利的果实。


Thus, I had a hard time ling “night” from “light” at the very beginning. My poor memory also added to the difficulties when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary. English words were so elusive that I could only remember them for a while

有些人当他们遇到困难的时候,他们会很沮丧,他们不愿意再继续去实现他们的梦想(也可以直翻译为:他们的梦想也因此而化为灰烬).x0dThey just want to find a place and stay at there for a long time.x0dSo they won't he a great success in the end.x0d所以这些人到不会真正成功!x0dBut others are different,some people don't think difficulities are troubles,they beli Difficulities is the mother of the success'' and Beli in myself and I will win '',they are confident andx0dbre,and they choose to face the difficulities with a ile.joozonex0d但是另有一些人,恰恰与之相反,他们并不认为摆在面前的是困难,他们相信:失败是成功之母 ,相信自己-一定会成功!,他们有自信而且有冒险精神,并且他们选择了微笑着面对困难和失败.作文地带-有翻译的英语作文网They try their best to solve their problems and if they don't feel well,they'll talk to their friends or family members,so that they can be happier and more confident.And they don't mind what others say about them,they can always find a good way for themselves to rI think we should learn from the latter and face difficulties brely. Difficulties are not terrible, they can us grow and improve ourselves. We should not be discouraged by difficulties, but try to find solutions and persist until we succeed. We should also learn from others who he overcome difficulties and get inspired by their stories.elax.x0d他们尽己所能去解决问题,如果他们无法解决遇到的困难,他们将会寻求朋友和亲人的帮助,所以他们会生活的更自信更快乐.他们也不会在意别人对他们的看法,他们通常都有一套很不错让自己放松的方式.x0dI think if you can he a good psychology when you meet difficulities in your life,and be more confident and bre,try to find a good way to relax,maybe talk to others or he a rest,and then think it over,make a plan to solve your problems.If you do so,you'll find that your difficulities are not as difficult as you think before!x0d我想,如果您在遇到困难的时候,能有一个非常好的心态的话,你将会有更多的自信和勇气.试着找到一种让自己放松的方式,比如和别人聊聊天,或者是休息一下,之后再重新考虑这件事,得出解决问题的一个方案.x0d另有学习英语中遇到的困难范文,此文由于来源网络,暂不提供翻译,x0d参考范文:x0dI he had many difficulties since I started to learn English.Since I e from the south of China,I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals:they sound exactly the same in my dialect.x0dThus,I had a hard time ling night from light at the very beginning.My poor memory also added to the difficulties when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary.English words were so elusive that Ix0dcould only remember them for a while.joozonex0dI he spared no efforts to overe the difficulties and finally succeeded.In order to l the slight difference between nasal sounds and non-nasals,I forced myself to speak mandarin ryday.x0dWhenr I started to speak English,I reminded myself the difference between night and light.x0dAt first I felt it rather unnatural,but as I went on I was gradually accustomed to speaking in this way.x0dAs for my wretched memory,I ge up mechanical memorization and tried many other new ways.

should face the difficulties in right manner.


Life is not always full of iles and flowers. Every person has his own difficulties no matter how high his ition or how great his achiment is. So it is of vital importance to he a correct attitude to face up to difficulties.

Everyone will encounter difficulties in life, but the most important thing is how we face them. Some people are afraid of difficulties and choose to escape or give up. They may lose many opportunities and become losers. Some people are confident and courageous, and they choose to face difficulties and overcome them. They may gain more experience anfaced with them, nothing is more important thand become winners.


Facing difficulties brely is a good quality that can make us stronger and happier. We should not be afraid of difficulties, but welcome them as challenges and opportunities. We should beli in ourselves and our abilities, and we will win in the end.




When faced with difficulties, it's important to be bre and stay itive. Difficulties are a natural part of life, and we all encounter them at some point. Howr, it's how we react to those difficulties that defines us. We can choose to give up or we can choose to persre and push through. By staying strong and courageous, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. So, let's face our challenges head-on and nr give up hope. Remember, ry difficulty we overcome makes us stronger and more resilient in the end.

如何克服英语学习中的困难 英语作文

How I Overcome My Difficulty in Learning English

当谈到英语学习的困难,不同的人有不同的意见,如重听,更少的字,混乱的语法、甚至比较穷的写作技巧等。至于我,我相信,除了什么所提到的,我没有足够的时间和精力去学习,而由于一项the difficulties, as well as full preparation,工作和了许多家务。 如何解决这些问题?我认为坚强的意志是成功的关键。因此,必须采取某些措施如下。 首先,我充分利用所有可用的时间。我通常学英语晚上直到11点钟。然后我做记录在新单词和MP3,这样我就可以参与新单词方式The itive mod is to utilize your ability to clear away your difficulties that appear in your way of life rather than run away from them. Confront difficulties with joyful energy and enthusia , and you will find the difficulties are really not so hard as they appear and they will disappear in due course.,既从家到单位和从单位在家里。此外,最重要的是,我总是在课堂上,好笔记和复习一遍又一遍地仔细下课后。,我做一些模拟成分通过翻译英语作文进然后把它译成英语和模仿它一次又一次。 正如谚语所说的“缓慢且持续的人会赢得比赛”。,我有一个巨大的进步学习英语。当然,进步都是有限的。所以我还是渴望能达到可用的老师和同学的建议。

edominance of courage over timidity

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