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2024-06-03 09:35 就业前景 来源:



【 #英语资源# 导语】在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为作文呢?以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】劳动乐趣英语作文

You must he made it! No matter what you are doing, solving problems when doing homework, cooking your first meal without paste, or your little invention is praised by the teacher... These will bring you endless fun. But in my memory, there are many fun and interesting things, among them, the most difficult thing for me is to do farm work in my hometown when I was six years old - cutting r.

When I was six years old, my mother took me back to my hometown. At that time, it was autumn, and the farmers in their hometown were busy cutting r. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw the farmers working hard in the fields. I really wanted to them. So I quickly ran to my grandfather's house and said, "grandfather, I'm going to farmers cut r, OK?" My grandfather saw that I was so active. Without saying a word, he immediay took two sharp scythes and went to cut r with me.

When we got to the field, my grandfather first taught me how to use the sickle. Grandfather said: "take the sickle is to force, to grasp the strength, to make the sickle flexible, not too rigid, otherwise it is not easy to cut." After listening, I nodded to my grandfather. I went to an open space again and practd according to what my grandfather said to me just now. After a while, I was sweating. When my grandfather saw it, he said painfully, "granddaughter, stop practicing and he a rest." I said to my grandfather, "grandfather, it's OK. You see the farmers are so hot that they don't rest. Why don't I pract?"

After a while, I finally learned to cut r. So I went down to the field. As soon as I got to the field, I felt strangely hot. At this time, I really wanted to escape, but when I saw my grandfather's affectionate eyes, I felt a force supporting me, as if to say to me: "child, we must persist, we can't be knocked down by this all difficulty." So I regained my confidence and, like a farmer, grasped the r straw. Then I wed my sickle and cut it toward the bottom of the r straw. With a "brush", I cut off the r in my hand. I cut r one by one as before. I don't know how long it took before I stopped and wiped my sweat. I he cut more than half of the paddy field in front of me, and the r cut behind has been piled into a hill. This is just like the scenery described in the poem "watching mowing wheat", which I he learned now. It describes the scene of farmers cutting wheat in the hot sun and shows the hardships of farmers' life.

Later, looking at my achiments, I was very happy, more confident and full of hope to cut r. At this time, a red and yellow butterfly with gold powder flew past me. When I saw such a beautiful butterfly, I put down my sickle and ran to catch up with the butterfly. Grandfather immediay stopped me and said, "what's the matter with you? You've run to play before you finish cutting the r. Go and cut it quickly." I was so ashamed that I immediay ran What attracts me most is the amusement park. As soon as I took my mother to the amusement park, I climbed onto the "space UFO" without waiting for my mother to buy a ticket. The UFO rotates and rises and falls from time to time. I kept shouting "Mom"... My mother just laughed and ignored me at allto pick up the sickle and continued to cut the r.

I don't know how long later, I finally cut the r. This is the first time in my life that I cut wheat. I ade myself for being able to do it so well. I not only learned to cut wheat. Also realized that the labor brings me happiness, more importantly, in the labor I tasted the joy of innovation!

On Monday morning, as soon as I came to the classroom, I was attracted by two sets of flowers in the biological corner. Last week, Mr. Huang has dressed up our classroom, and the two sets of flowers add a beautiful look to our classroom.

After lunch, Mr. Huang led the students to he a big cleaning. Everyone's interest is so high! Pull up the sles, lift the water, wipe the windows, sweep the floor

The teacher told us to clean the second half of the classroom first. We quickly moved the tables and chairs to the front, cleaned the scraps on the ground, poured down a all amount of water, sprinkled some washing powder, and brush them with a broom. The noise was like a pleasant song of labor. At this time, we saw that the water on the ground became dirty. After a while, the teacher and we dragged the floor clean with a mop, We'll move the desk and chair back. Then we wash the first half of the classroom, and the students are still as energetic as they were just now. In less than an hour, we washed the floor of the classroom white, white, spotless, the windows clean, looked like a bright ror, and the porch and the teaching room tiles were also cleaned very clean. Although the students' clothes are dirty, the classroom is cleaner and brighter.

Labor creates life and happiness. Speaking of labor, I think of that time when I picked apples.

One autumn, my mother, father and sister and I went back to our hometown. My grandfather said to my sister and me, "the apples are ripe. Let's go and pick them." My sister and I agreed.

To the apple field, where the sun can be really hot, like into the oven, the apple trees can be neat row by row, like rows of soldiers, and then look at the appIn our country ryone is trying to do soming to the dlopment of city and whole social civilization.le in the sun, the apple red, like a red faced child, can be naughty.

We started to work. I grabbed the apple and pulled it hard, but it was broken. I picked and picked, and I broke sral apples. Look at my sister. She fell sral apples like me. Look at my grandfather again. He didn't break an apple. I asked my sister to go to find him. We asked, "grandfather, how can't you break the apple?" Grandfather said with a ile: "as long as the apple up, the apple will fall down, the strength is all, light handle will not break." My sister and I suddenly realized that we had picked a lot of apples. I picked the biggest apple and showed it off in front of my sister. My sister spat out her tongue to me angrily. I finished picking the apples on this tree. I wanted to pick the apples on another apple tree, but I had to go from here. I had to squat down. When I was about to touch the branch, my grandfather yelled, "don't move." Grandfather said: "if you break the buds, you won't be able to produce apples next year." I finally passed. We picked four baskets of apples. We went back and ge our neighbors some apples. We were very happy.

This let me know that labor is very hard and we should cherish the fruits of labor.



【 #英语资源# 导语】劳动是一种奉献,更是一种分享,分享劳动,也就是分享快乐,分享幸福,分享累累果实。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.劳动节英语作文范文

When I get up in the morning, I feel much quieter outside. Unlike in normal times, people are busy outside before they get up. They go to work and do business one after another. Because today is the annual labor day, people take their families to tourist attractions or relatives' homes in aance. And I can't go out to play, but I can my mother at home.

In the morning, my mother and I took my brother to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables. When I came back, I picked and washed the dishes I wanted to eat, and then my mother cooked the r and cooked the dishes. When I began to eat, my mother said that I picked the dishes very well. At that time, I was happy to hear it.

After dinner, I'll wash the dishes and chopsticks. First squeeze a little clean and put it in the water, and then pick up the sponge to wash the dishes and chopsticks clean. After that, I cleaned my mother's room, and cleaned my room, living room, bathroom and kitchen. Tables, chairs, doors and windows were polished crystal clear. I also washed my brother's clothes and took them to the balcony to dry. I was tired and sweating. My mother would be very happy to see the results of my work.

After a while, my brother and mother came back. Seeing that the house was so clean, they praised me as a sensible child. Although I didn't go out to play today, I'm still very happy.

I think labor is the most glorious.


On the second day of the May Day holiday, I felt bored with nothing to do. I asked my mother if I could you? Mother said, "wipe the table." I took a rag in the bathroom and washed it. At first, I cleaned the table in my room carefully, and then I cleaned my parents' room again. The dishcloth was dirty. I went to the bathroom to wash it. It was time to wipe the tea table in the living room. There were a lot of things on the tea table. I asked my mother to clean it for me, but my mother said, "when I cleaned the table, no one ed me clean up." I had to move the things on the tea table to the bottom of the tea table, wipe the top of the tea table first, and then move those things to the top of the tea table and put them in order. I cleaned the bottom again. I thought I had wiped it all, so I happily said to my mother, "Mom, I'm finished." Mom looked at it and said, "there are still bedside tables and windowsills that hen't been cleaned." I hurried to the bathroom to wash the rag and clean the bedside table and windowsill. The house is clean.

I'm a little tired, too. But I was also very happy to see that my room, my parents' room and the living room were clean. I also said to my mother, "Mom, I will learn to choose vegetables and my mother work more."

May 1 is the international labor day, a holiday for working people all over the world. Our second primary school is also on holiday. I did my homework at home. After a while, I finished my homework.

I ran to my mother, but my mother was working. I was very strange and asked, "Mom, it's a holiday today. Why are you still working?" Mother said: "labor day, labor day, is to work!" I think: I also go to work.

So I ran to the backyard and saw a lot of lees in the yard, which was very dirty. I quickly picked up the broom and swept it up. I swept it carefully and didn't miss ry corner.

Sweep and sweep, I feel a little tired, but I still didn't give up, because there is an old saying that persistence is victory. After a while, I finally cleaned it up.

Mother saw it and praised me happily. Mother also said: "labor can enrich life, exercise people's will, and bring people happiness at the same time."

Later, I ed my mother turn over a lot of hats and work while watching the shop. Although I didn't go to play or watch TV today, I was very happy. Next time, I will my mother do more and be a good child who loves work.


Today is labor day. My mother and I went to the park mountain to play. The fierce sun shines brightly on the jubilant people.

We came to the "Three Kingdoms maze". My mother bought a ticket and just went in. I thought the maze was very . Just go around and you can come out. But we walked around in the second circle, but we didn't find the door. Fortunay, I walked into a dead end sral times.

We went to see animals again. I saw beautiful peacocks, lovely Phoenix birds, all mountain deer, grinning monkeys, fierce tigers, lazy lions, bulky black bears and many other animals. I took pictures of them with my camera.

At the beginning of the animal performance, the keeper led the goat to stand on the arc-shaped stool. The goat carefully circled with its feet, walked on a thick rope, and then went down the stairs; The big black bear came out. He not only learned to stand and walk, but also turnToday is may day. Mom and Dad don't he to go to work, so we decided to go to the "Zhongshan flower market" to buy some flowers and watch them at home.ed a big stick with his front legs, faster and faster

I didn't expect the bear to be so clumsy today, but I didn'My mother told me the origin of May Day, which made me understand that may day is hard won: it is the result of the unity and struggle of the proletariat and working people all over the world. We should cherish today's happy life, not play, but study hard.t think it would be so clr!


Today is may day.

Many people trel on May Day ry year, and a few people their parents at home. I'm an exception. I watch my brothers and sisters at home.

Today! I went to my grandmother's house to play, but the family still has to build bricks. Adults he gone to build bricks. I also want to them build bricks, but my grandmother said, "there are still your brothers and sisters at home! Your task is to look after your brothers and sisters, understand?" I immediay replied, "I see."

Later, I didn't want to go shopping. My grandmother ge us a total of five yuan to go shopping.

In this way, it's time for lunch. The five of us went to lunch. After dinner, I went home.

This special "Labor Day" really makes me envy!



【 #英语资源# 导语】劳动节的到来让我们充满了节日的气氛,劳动是人生永恒的主题,我们每个人都要劳动,用我们的劳动所得来进行生活,人类是通过劳动发展到如今的。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.劳动节英语作文范文There were so many people. I waited in line for a long time, and finally it was my turn. With excent, timidity, excent and other complex feelings, I sat in the middle of a row of seats, and then carefully fastened my seat belt. When I was just ready, a "ouch" broke the silence, and the "frog" suddenly jumped up. The speed was so fast that we screamed one after another. The shoes of a little brother next to him also broke away from grity and flew into the sky faster than us. The crowd below burst into laughter!

Labor day finally came. After I finished my breakfast, I saw my mother busy. Sweeping and mopping the floor... My mother is sweating. I couldn't but go up and say, "Mom, do you want me to do some work for you?" Mother said happily, "OK! Today is labor day."

First, I began to clean the furniture and glass. I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag, which was covered with dust. I'm exhausted now. I'm sweating and out of breath. But I thought, "the cleaning is very hard, but if I can't hold on at once, isn't what I just did in vain?" Do things from beginning to end. So I started sweeping the floor again. I didn't n let go of the corner. I finally cleaned it up. When I think about it carefully, I forgot to sweep the room. I went in, skillfully took the broom and swept it slowly. Just as I was holding the broom handle and pulling out the bottom of the bed, I found two dead cockroaches! You can see how dirty my house is.

Finally, I filled a bucket of water, washed the mop, dried the water and began to mop the floor. Holding the hey mop, I slowly dragged it from side to side, and then from side to side. When the water was dry, I washed the mop again. When I finish all my work and look at my home, iSuddenly, the sound of "Hua, Hua, Hua" sounded. I followed the sound of "Hua, Hua, Hua". It turned out to be a watell. I saw the watell slide down from the high stone and fall into the water. The water here is not deep. There are many all tadpoles in it. In the corner of the water, there is a strange grass, surrounded by many all tadpoles. From a distance, the watell is really beautiful!t's a world away from before the cleaning!

After this labor day cleaning, I know: "as long as you pay, you will gain." This is also my May Day harvest.


This year's may day, our whole family went out to XX park by car.

As soon as I entered the door, many lush trees came into my eyes. They were countless. How like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree. I was very curious, so I looked at it carefully, and then said solemnly, "Mom, I know the name of this tree." Mother said, "well, l me the name of such a big tree." I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother iled and said, "yes, it's a climbing lion."

As we talked and laughed, we soon came to the bridge. It was very beautiful. The endless lake and tall buildings vaguely shone on the water. How like an underwater city! Soon we came to the place where we took the boat. I asked my uncle, "how long will it be before it's our turn to take the boat?" The uncle said: "About half an hour! I was stunned, but I couldn't it. I had to wait slowly for a long time. Finally I looked forward to our boat. I immediay jumped into the boat and rowed happily. My heart was as sweet as honey. I sailed. I saw the little fish greeting us, the wild duck blessing us and wishing us a happy may day. Soon enough An hour passed. When you go back, it's because the water is too big! Some water splashes fell on my hand, as if to remind us to remember to come to this beautiful place next time.

May day passed like this. It's really an unforgettable Festival. It's a memorable holiday for the whole family.

May day is also my working day. My mother told me again and again, "you should work on labor day and don't make trouble at home." You can your mother with the housework.

But I don't take this matter seriously and play around at home. Mother saw it and shouted, "don't make trouble here, sweep the floor for me!" So I swept the floor carelessly. I wed left and right, and soon told my mother that I was finished. Mother saw the dust on the ground and angrily criticized, "you're still like this. You don't pay attention to anything. You'd better wash your clothes!" I don't know why I can wash clothes after housework I also wash it carelessly. The clothes are really dirty! Washing is almost the same. I'm so tired!

Mother saw the stains on her clothes made one by one, and said dejectedly, "you still can't change this bad habit. Count, you play your !" "Bad problem? Any?" I thought about it over and over again and suddenly realized that these live mothers did it ry day, and I didn't shout bitterly. I only did it once in such a long time, and I cried bitterly. Mom, it's really hard! Labor day makes me all the hard work of my mother doing housework ry day. I should love my mother better in the future.


Today is may day. The weather is very sunny. Our family of three went to XXX park to play.

The people's Park is crowded and bustling. There are many children's s. Let's take the "big green bug" first. The "big green bug" is actually an electric train. At first, the "big green bug" climbed very slowly on the track, and then faster and faster. It drove the fastest when going downhill, which made me feel breathtaking. I clung to the handle in front of me for fear of falling down.

Then we went to play the of "water pitching". When the boat began to spin, I grabbed a ball from the water and threw it to the hoop, but I missed it. I didn't lose heart and voted for the second time. Aim at the center of the hoop, throw hard and hit it. Then I hit the second and third shots... A total of sn.

We also played "remote control warship". At first, I didn't know how to operate, so the "warship" often collided with the "berg". Under the guidance of my mother, I can operate freely, and the "warship" can sail safely on the water.

In addition, we also played merry go round, Dong Dong monkey, buckle basin, fight monsters, Qile castle, space turntable


On the morning of May 1, my father went fishing early. At 4:30 pm, my mother and I walked to Zhonghai to find my father. We talked and laughed all the way. I jumped like a free bird, watching the grass, elling the fragrance of flowers and enjoying the beauty of nature. After walking for more than an hour, we met my father, and my father's fishing activity was gradually coming to an end. I picked up a sea pole and shook the line. Suddenly I felt hey. Soming fell below. I quickly took up the line and shook the line wheel hard. At first glance, it turned out that a big silver carp bit the hook. This is the first fish I caught this year! I'm so happy. I had confidence and patience. When night fell, I still stared at the water. My father said, "let's go home!" I said, "no, can you fish for a while? I hen't had enough?" As soon as the vo fell, I suddenly saw that the fish float disappeared. I quickly raised the rod. I erected the rod as my father said. At first glance, it turned out to be a crucian carp. I was so happy! If my father hadn't urged me to pack up and go home after dark, I would he fished a little longer.

In the ning, our family was sharing the fruits of our labor. I was eating fish with relish. Suddenly, I felt a little sore throat and finished. I was stuck by fish bones and couldn't swallow and cough. My mother told me to eat steamed bread and drink vinegar, but I still couldn't. I always felt that soming couldn't go down in it. My mother and I went to the clinic. The doctor said they were gone. It should be because of eating too much. We went to the people's hospital again and g up the emergency department. The doctor said it was all right. Alas, I was relid at this time, but my throat still hurt a little. My father said, "it'll be fine in a few days. It's all right." After all this trouble, it was almost ten o'clock when I got home.

Ah! This may day is unforgettable to me. I learned to be patient and persistent in doing things, and to be careful in doing things!


In the May Day holiday, there are many things to open, but the most unforgettable thing for me is Grandpa's birthday.

May 1 is my grandfather's birthday. In order to surprise my grandfather, my sister and I made two and greeting cards overnight. One was made by me and the other by my sister. That night, we ge the freshly made greeting card to Grandpa. After seeing it, Grandpa hugged us and said, "thank you, baby, you've all grown up." Grandpa will write back to each of us.

At noon on May 1, my sister and I finished lunch and hurried to the all shop on the street to prepare for the second week. Faced with a wide range of goods, we are tangled. What does grandpa like? What's suitable for us? Suddenly, my sister took a music box and a time hourglass. I said knowingly: "my sister chose this good, a sleeping music and an hourglass to cherish time, which is exactly what grandpa needs. Let's match a beautiful gift box.". With that, I took the blue gift box I had just seen for a long time and carefully put the gift in it. After paying the money, we immediay ran back to Grandpa. Grandpa happily patted us on the head and said, "Oh, did you choose this? It's really good. Grandpa likes it very much." My sister and I looked at each other and iled proudly.

In the ning, grandpa took us to a far away Ho - Baoyan No. 1. During the meal, my sister and I pushed out grandpa's birthday cake. The cake was very special. It was a super mahjong themed cake specially prepared by my mother for Grandpa. Grandpa laughed when he saw the cake and said, "I like it!" We all laughed. We sang a birthday song to Grandpa, and grandpa cut a cake for each of us and shared his happiness. We all spent the night in laughter.

Although grandpa's birthday has just passed, my sister and I he quietly planned next year's birthday gifts.


Today, it's a beautiful spring day, which is just suitable for labor. Because today is labor day, I think all the children in other people's families he gone out to play. Only one of my children didn't go out to play, because we want to stay at home and he a rest. We also plan to do a general cleaning at home. In order to reduce the burden on our parents, I decided to do laundry and mop the floor.

I'm going to start washing clothes! I first pour the water into the basin, then soak my little shorts in the water, then put soap on the little shorts, rub them with my thumb in the most dirty place, put it aside and continue to rub the clothes. But clothes, trousers and socks are washed in the same way. Children must pay attention to that. They must be washed separay!

Next, I'll mop the floor. I'll soak the mop in the water and wring the water dry. Children must pay attention not to wring the water until there is no drop of water. Lee some water and don't lee too much water. When dragging, I must drag it from inside to outside. I'm exhausted after dragging a room

I feel a sense of accomplishment when I look at the fruits of my labor!


Today is labor day. In the clear sky, my mother took me to jinjiangshan park. The all tree on the roadside may be that I didn't pay attention to it at ordinary times. I don't know when it has grown green buds. The flowers in the park are colorful, including red, pink, yellow and the green of grass, showing a beautiful picture. Due to the large number of people, when playing, my mother's hand always held me.


Of course, I am also a member of love labor. At home, I do all the housework I can. I can my mother sweep the floor, mop the floor, wash the dishes and clean up my room... But of course, what I can do best is sweep the floor. I first take the broom and broom, sweep the garbage into the broom with a broom, sweep the room and living room carefully without missing any garbage, and then dump the swept garbage into the dustbin. Finally, the floor was finally swept, and I saw the fruits of my hard work. The heart is happy and excited, and there is an unspeakable mood.

Through this labor day, I realized the hard work of uncles and aunts of cleaners. I know that we should love the environment, "the earth is my home, and the environment depends on ryone". We should not only love the environment, but also check wher there is garbage on the floor. If there is garbage, pick up the garbage.


Labor makes people happy, labor makes people progress, and labor is the most beautiful! Today is the annual international labor day, which is a holiday for all workers. At noon, I had a whim: I would wash the dishes after lunch to reduce the burden on my mother.

As soon as I finished lunch, I began to wash the dishes. I put all the tableware and r bowls on the table toger, put them into the pool, pick up one and start washing: first rinse it with cold water, then dip some detergent on the rag, wipe it with force, and finally rinse it with clean water, and a bowl will be cleaned. Howr, when I washed the tableware containing vegetables and soup, I found that this dish washing mod can not wash the tableware with a lot of oil. No matter how many times it is washed, the tableware is oily. I wonder how many times it needs to be washed to be clean!

My mother looked puzzled and instructed me: "when washing this kind of tableware with a lot of oil, we must wash it with hot water, wipe some detergent, and finally rinse it with flowing water, so as to compley wash the oil."

I washed it according to my mother's way. Sure enough, all kinds of tableware were cleaned by me and all washed in a short time! Looking at these clean plates, my heart is very sweet.

Today's Labor Day is really special. I found that there are tricks for all dishes washing. Through labor, I gained a sense of achiment. It's the most glorious labor.


May day is also my working day. My mother told me again and again, "you should work on labor day and don't make trouble at home." You can your mother with the housework.

But I don't take this matter seriously and play around at home. Mother saw it and shouted, "don't make trouble here, sweep the floor for me!" So I swept the floor carelessly. I wed left and right, and soon told my mother that I was finished. Mother saw the dust on the ground and angrily criticized, "you're still like this. You don't pay attention to anything. You'd better wash your clothes!" I was puzzled: "why do you always let me do housework? Count, count, it's just washing clothes. You can do it after washing." I also wash it carelessly. The clothes are really dirty! Washing is almost the same. I'm so tired!

Mother saw the stains on her clothes made one by one, and said dejectedly, "you still can't change this bad habit. Count, you play your !" "Bad problem? Any?" I thought about it over and over again and suddenly realized that these live mothers did it ry day, and I didn't shout bitterly. I only did it once in such a long time, and I cried bitterly. Mom, it's really hard! Labor day makes me all the hard work of my mother doing housework ry day. I should love my mother better in the future.


This year's may day, our whole family went out to XX park by car.

As soon as I entered the door, many lush trees came into my eyes. They were countless. How like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree. I was very curious, so I looked at it carefully, and then said solemnly, "Mom, I know the name of this tree." Mother said, "well, l me the name of such a big tree." I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother iled and said, "yes, it's a climbing lion."

As we talked and laughed, we soon came to the bridge. It was very beautiful. The endless lake and tall buildings vaguely shone on the water. How like an underwater city! Soon we came to the place where we took the boat. I asked my uncle, "how long will it be before it's our turn to take the boat?" The uncle said: "About half an hour! I was stunned, but I had no cho but to wait slowly and wait for a long time. Finally, I looked forward to our boat. I immediay jumped into the boat and rowed happily. My heart was as sweet as eating honey. When I sailed, I saw the little fish greeting us and the wild duck blessing us and wishing us a happy may day. Soon, a full hour passed. When I went back, because The reason why the water is too big! Some water splashes fell on my hand, as if to remind us to remember to come to this beautiful place next time.

May day passed like this. It's really an unforgettable Festival. It's a memorable holiday for the whole family.

I'm so happy that the annual labor day has finally arrived! Because I can go out again.

Before I woke up early t4.关于劳动节的英语作文his morning, my mother called me up and said, "Tongtong, get up quickly. Mom and dad will take you to a good place today." Suddenly I didn't feel sleepy at all. I said happily, "great, where are we going?" Mother said, "we're going to Chengdu." I said, "OK, I'll get up and change my clothes."

Before long, we packed up our things and set out. The beautiful scenery along the way attracted me. I didn't feel the slightest fatigue. Soon we arrived at our destination.

We first found a ho to stay in, and then my parents arranged a trip for me the next day. I slept peacefully and welcomed the good time of the next day.

The next morning, we set out for Jiuzhaigou. The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is really charming. There are many beautiful pools, including colorful pools, rhinoceros River, Peacock River, tiger River, Pearl River and so on. The scenery is picturesque, which makes me enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature.

I had a good time on May Day. I really hope to he a few more days!


It's labor day. My mother took me to the street. Along the way, it was drizzling outside, rywhere was green, the flowers were particularly bright, and sometimes a few drops of water rolled down. We walked all the way in the rain. There are endless streams of people and vehicles on the street. Various shops display various preferential signs, and people rush to buy them.

Our whole family came to Daxing supermarket toger. The door of Daxing supermarket is filled with all kinds of coetics. There is a 20% discount sign in front. There are many people shopping

goods. As soon as I entered the door, many children took the elevator there, and I also took the elevator. I stood on a grid and the elevator automatically sent me up. I went down and up and played and played.

When I was tired of playing, I sat down in the next chair. When I saw a child eating hamburgers, I asked my father to buy them for me. A hamburger is made of two pieces of bread with a piece of chicken, a little cucumber and cream. Take a sip and it tastes great.


Every holiday is my happiest time. I can sleep in the morning, don't he to finish my homework in a hurry, and do what I want to do most. Today is labor day. I planned to my mother work on this day early in the morning.

When I got up toger, I said, "Mom, I'll do the housework today." Mom said what can you do? Without saying a word, I folded the quilt on the bed and tidied up the bed. My mother iled and saw that the quilt I folded was crooked, like a broken piece of tofu. Next, I rushed to my mother clean up the garbage in the room and wash the cups that had drunk water.

I think you'll he enough time to clean up your work, but I'll he enough time for you to do it I thought for a while. Yes, I he to go to piano class later. Let's pract the piano quickly. This time without my mother talking, I took the initiative to sit next to the piano and seriously practd the piano.

I don't need to look at my mother's face to know that she must be iling. Hey, hey, today I'm going to let my mother rest and he a happy Labor Day. Although I'm sweating all over the housework, I think it's very appropriate. It's really a happy Labor Day!


At the top of Kuocang mountain, it is already a sea of people and bustling. Kuocang mountain is a mountain in Taizhou. Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can he a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery, and the village below becomes as all as a matchbox. Beside us, there are big pillars, dozens of meters high. The top of the column has three blades, like the wings of a dragonfly and the blades of an electric fan. The blades are always rotating. I asked my father what it was. My father said it was a wind farm. As long as there was wind, the blades could turn. As long as the blades were turning, they could generate electricity. Dad said that wind power is the use of natural resources, which is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. It can generate electricity 24 hours a day. After listening to my father's words, I think how dloped our country's science and technology is.

This year's "May Day" festival was spent on Kuocang mountain. I visited the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, learned what wind farms are, and increased my knowledge.


Today is May 1. I followed my mother to Haishan Park in Dinghai.

There are a large number of people here. Many children play there accompanied by their parents. Some are playing with kites, some are playing with gyroscopes, and some are fishing.

I hurried to the goldfish pond. The water there is crystal clear, goldfish are big and all, colorful: red, orange and purple! I saw many people fishing, so I bought a fishing rod to join the fun.

Soon, my bait was also bitten by the fish. I quickly pulled up the fishing rod and held the line with my hand. A live goldfish was caught by me. I carefully put the fish into the basin and was very happy! But this goldfish is too all. I want to hook a bigger one. But in the next few minutes, the fish always didn't take the bait, or the fish ate the bait, but it wasn't pulled up. I was so angry that I stared. The joy just flew out of the sky and shouted to go home. At this time, my mother told me to calm down and take your time when fishing. After listening to my mother's words, I put down the fishing rod again and fished patiently. Sure enough, I caught three more, and one was bigger than the other. So I took four goldfish and went home happily.

Along the way, I don't know how excited I was, because I not only caught the big goldfish, but also learned such a truth: you can't be impatient, you he to be patient, so you can succeed!

The long-awaited "May Day" International Labor Day has finally come.

Early in the morning, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. Because of this all and long holiday, our family will go to grandma's house, so that I can he fun again. Along the way, I didn't want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of beautiful mountains and rivers and red flowers and willows. I just wanted to fly to grandma's house quickly. When the car stopped at the gate of grandma's yard, I saw many people picking tea in the tea garden through the window. Oh, it turns out that spring is also the tea harvest season!

The tea garden is green and close to each other. It looks like a green carpet from a distance. A breeze blows and a faint fragrance is refreshing and intoxicating. The laughter of tea pickers comes from time to time in the tea garden.


On tAlthough ryone was in a sweat, yet we felt happy because we had done good job.he day of May Day holiday, my mother and I visited the park.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a huge flower bed surrounded by dreds of flowers. There are red cockscomb, white magnolia, Purple Lilac... And a green grassland. There is a cuboid standing in the middle. It's really beautiful.

After watching the flowers, we went to the bridge. The branches of the weeping willow in the distance flowed on the calm lake, the birds were singing gently and sweetly, and the sweet rhythm was permeated in the green spring tide.

There are many beautiful places, but these are also the beauty of them. I really like Yuexiu Park with charming scenery!


May day is coming. It's my bad day again. My mother told me again and again, "you should work on labor day and don't make trouble at home."

But I don't take this matter seriously and play around at home. Mother saw it and shouted, "don't make trouble here and sweep the floor for me!" So I swept the floor carelessly. I wed left and right, and soon told my mother that I was finished. Mother saw the dust on the ground and angrily criticized, "you're still like this. You don't pay attention to anything. You'd better wash your clothes!" I was puzzled: "why do you always let me do housework? Forget it, forget it, it's just washing clothes. It's OK after washing." I also wash it carelessly. The clothes are really dirty! Just wash it. I'm so tired!

Mother saw the stains on her clothes made one by one, and said dejectedly, "you still can't change thAt this time, I saw the flowers and grass beside me lazily holding their heads, looking listless. Seeing this scene, I thought to myself: in such a hot weather, these flowers and grasses must be so hot that they he no spirit. Why don't I them fan! Today is five anyway. On labor day, we should also do some work. Thinking of this, I stood up and walked to these flowers and grass, took out my fan and fanned them. The scorching sun shone relentlessly on me, and bean sized beads of sweat trickled down from my face drop by drop. "Tick tock" "tick tock" five minutes passed and ten minutes passed. I had no strength and sat down on the ground panting. Although I spent nine cattle and two tigers, these flowers and plants didn't raise their heads, but they went lower.is bad habit. Forget it, you play your !" "Bad problem? Any?" I thought about it over and over again and suddenly realized that these live mothers did it ry day, and I didn't shout bitterly. I only did it once in such a long time, and I cried bitterly. Mom, it's really hard!


On the third day, we went back the same way. My father's driving skills were very good. I didn't get carsick. I had a good sleep when I came home at night.

【 #英语资源# 导语】劳有所得,是一种积累;劳有所获,是一种追求;劳有所为,是一种态度;劳有所闲,是一种艺术;劳有所乐,是一种境界。劳动着,幸福着,预祝五一快乐! 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.五一劳动节英语作文义务劳动英语作文篇二

After school has been open for so long, I finally ushered in the four-day Labor Day holiday. I discussed with my father, mother and brother to go to Tianxin Park in Wugui mountain.

Our family drove a car to Tianxin park. After getting off, we walked up the mountain. There are a large number of people here, but the air is particularly fresh and comfortable.

Not far from the mountain road, there is a clear stream with many all and colorful stones. Sparkling in the sunshine. My brother and I stepped on all stones to catch crabs in the stream. It was fun. After a while, we caught four all crabs with different shapes. Put it in the mineral water bottle, I saw them scrambling in the bottle in a panic. One of the female crabs was afraid that we would hurt her, so she ge birth to all the eggs in her stomach, fearing that her children would be in er. After my brother and I observed and found it, we were deeply moved by the "great maternal love" of crab mother.

So I discussed with my brother to put all the crabs I caught back to the stream unharmed. I saw them climb quickly to the ditch and return to nature. My brother and I clapped and cheered happily!


Just arrived at the door of "Zhongshan flower market", bursts of faint fragrance rushed towards me, and I ran to "the world of flowers". There are so many and beautiful flowers hThe mountain road in front of us was blocked by a stream, but the magic thing is that there is a thick and long tree root in the middle of the stream across the whole stream, forming a natural, strange and beautiful all bridge, just so that we can walk steadily through the stream.ere! There are cactus, plain sailing, hydrangea, and many all flowers whose names I can't name. Are they waiting for me to find their names?

Cactus, round like a football, wearing green clothes and sharp and sharp thorns, looks like a hedgehog shrunk into a ball and painted with crows from a distance.

Plain sailing, its lees are very thick, one by one close to the inside. Most of the flowers are white, like a light boat, in which lies a proud and lovely girl, dressed in tender yellow clothes, singing the poem "early hair Baidi city" alone.

Hydrangea looks like snowballs from a distance. When you look closer, you know that these Hydrangea are comed of all flowers. These all flowers are comed of four petals, like beautiful butterflies. They are so close toger. It's the first time I've seen such a different flower!

After careful selection, we finally chose three kinds of flowers, and then we went home happily.

Labor day, which I he been looking forward to for a long time, has finally come! Early in the morning on May 1, I set out with my parents and sister. Although there are many vehicles on the road, it is also very blocked, and there are a sea of people rywhere, it has not affected my good mood at all. Until the afternoon, we finally came to Fangji island.

As soon as I got off the bus, I was stunned by the beautiful scenery of Fangji island. Looking at the sea and sky, the blue water and blue sky are really beautiful. At the moment, my mood is incomparably excited and excited. I like it here so much. The sand under your feet is thin and soft. It's very comfortable to step on it. There are many people on the beach, some lying in the sun on chairs, some building castles on the beach, some swimming in the sea, and some children picking up shells on the beach. On one side, I felt itchy, so I put on my swimsuit and rushed into the beach with my sister.

We had a great time playing on the beach. My sister likes to pick up shells. She picked up many kinds of shells, which are very beautiful. We also surf in the sea with our father. When the wes come, we jump toger; The wes hit us one after another. Just when we were playing the most vigorously, I accidentally fell and drank a few mouthfuls of sea water. It was too salty! The taste is really bad. It must be more uncomfortable if it goes into our eyes, but this episode can't stop us from embracing the sea.

Now the sun is setting and the sea breeze is blowing; At the moment, I blend with the sea, with happiness and laughter!


It's may day. My mother and I go to zimaling park. What surprises me is not the beautiful scenery, nor the lovely animals, but the crowded amusement park. Interesting things happen here!

When you enter the amusement park, you can see a high tower soaring into the sky at a glance. With the scream, you can see a row of people soaring into the sky. WOW! This is exciting! I took my mother's hand and ran like a bird out of the cage. My mother said while running, "I'm afraid of heights. Let's go and play soming else!" This was really disappointing. I had to reluctantly release my mother's hand and go to the queue by myself. Finally wait until a called "frog jump"!

After the "frog jump", we began the journey of conquest. We first conquered the terrible haunted house, felt the exciting bumper car, and then enjoyed the wonderful 5D film toger. We laughed wildly in front of the harrowing ror. Finally, we returned with full load in the doll clamping machine!


The annual labor day is coming again. My mother and I agreed to go to Zhuhai Changlong.

Into Zhuhai Chimelong, where a sea of people, a jubilant, full of laughter. What attracts me most is the 5D movie. When I got there, I was so excited that I couldn't wait to rush in and finish it right away. Howr, there are too many people. We he to wait a little.

Finally, it was my turn. I took my mother's hand and took the film glasses. I ran to the seat in a hurry and found two seats. My mother and I sat down. After a while, the film began. I saw two little tigers talking toger. Suddenly, a lovely elf flew in and said pitifully, "please us!" The two little tigers readily agreed. Just as I was enjoying it, the chair suddenly shook up, and my heart was startled. Then, soming from somewhere under my feet stabbed me and shouted, so I quickly raised my feet high. Finally, there was a drizzle in the sky. I looked up curiously. It turned out to be colorful and strange bubbles. It's so beautiful!

After watching the 5D movie, my mother and I stretched out and ran out in a hurry.

The 5D movie I watched this time has been deeply reflected in my mind, which makes me unforgettable for a long time. It also makes me feel that watching 5D movies is really fun Very exciting, so happy. Next time, I'll watch a 5D movie.


One day during the May Day holiday, my mother and brother went to Daneng Lake Park to observe ants. I think ants are really powerful.

First of all, my family and I looked for a pile of branches toger. I said excitedly, "there are so many ant nests in denang lake. There are ant nests under almost ry tree." Soon after, my mother and brother found a huge ant nest under a cypress tree, but I sat on the bench in the park to rest. I heard my brother running excitedly and holding my hand to see the ant nest. I ran to the ant nest and squatted down. They were like a strong army. I took a long tree pole and stabbed the Legion into the sky with nine cattle and two tigers. Suddenly, the ants felt the sneak attack of uninvited guests. They picked up their beloved weapons and fought brely. My brother was bitten by the ants for sral times, itching and crying. My mother comforted for a long time before she stopped crying. Ants are really hard to mess with!

Finally, when we stop attacking, they don't run away. They are in good order and take their own responsibilities. They rebuild their homes and build ant nests in the blink of an eye.

They unite with each other and defend their homeland like a strong army, which I ade very much. Although they are all, their team spirit is enough to shock us!

What an interesting holiday today!


There are verdant and verdant streams in the park, and I am deeply attracted by the beautiful green and green mountains in the afternoon

When we came to the lawn, we were covered with dense tents rywhere, and our family began to set up division of labor. I was responsible for cheering up the air cushion bed, and my parents set up tents. With our concerted cooperation, our temporary home was built. At this time, there were dazzling lights and beautiful performances on the stage. We hurried up to watch the excent. We saw a large stove in front of the stage, burning a fire and billowing oke from time to time. Then a staff member shouted, "let's jump around the campfire hand in hand!" At this time, we saw ryone rush up and jump up, hand in hand in a big circle. We jumped and danced, sang and sang... Pushed our party to the climax.

At nine o'clock in the ning, the tourists went into the tent to rest. The grass outside the tent hummed a field tune, the frog also sang its song, and Sister Feng gently flew "whirring" outside the tent and sang a beautiful music. Listening to this intoxicated music, I gradually fell asleep

Today is labor day on May 1st. The weather is very hot. The hot sun is baking the earth. I read comics in the shade of the tree.

When I got home, I told my mother the whole story clearly. After listening to it, my mother couldn't laughing and said, "silly child, it's useless for you to do this. You should move to a cool place in a few hours. If you just do that, you can hit its stem with a fan, and it will become lower. You! You! What a good intention to do bad things!" After listening to my mother, I stayed for three or four seconds.

"Ah! All my hard work is in vain!"


There are many people in the park. There are people who dance, pract swords and sell things. It's very lively! Red flowers, white flowers and yellow flowers... Compete for wonders and beauty!

Later, we played bumper cars and water guns... May day is really happy!


Today is labor day, so I got up later than usual. My mother said, "we want to he a happy festival. Although we don't go to the suburbs, we want to find happiness at home. As the name suggests, labor day is to work."

After lunch, I hurried to clean my room. I carefully organized my desk, swept and dragged the floor. Looking at the clean and tidy room, I was very happy. I thought that as long as I work, I will gain. Then, my mother and I went to a all park nearby and played for a while. Today is really happy!


My brothers and sisters are nine years old at most and four years old at least. I think: I don't care about my big sister. Just look after the three all ones! In this way, the eldest sister was watching TV. I dragged my three little brothers and sisters into the house and let them all play in the house.

五一劳动节源于美国芝加哥城的工人大 ,1877年,美国发生历史上次全国性 ,工人走向街头 ,向 提出改善劳动与生存条件。以下是我为大家整理的,给大家作为参考,欢迎阅读!On May Day, father-in-law sun got up earlier than me. The weather was wonderful. I went to Huai'an park with my mother, father and aunt's little brother.

篇1Today is may day. My father and I went to Kuocang mountain to play. This is a wish I he had for a long time. Today, it has finally come true. Let alone how happy I am.

A wind and the calendar of the afternoon, me and my mother, cousin and the cousin yo dog to clean air, scenic Geleshan play. Small colorful flowers to wele our arrival with a ile; Xiaohu their all head out and wed to us. We enjoy the beautiful scenery while hiking.

Along the way, yo dog to hop to hop from time to time naughty and jumped into the water hole, the others he a muddy splash. We came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields. Cousin cousin and I could not wait to pick up the pick pocket honeysuckle. Pick a pick, and I was honeysuckle mixed with a bit of rattan, the foot-slip, fall down on. If my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vines and perhaps on to pieces of it. End mining flowers, the mother asked us: "Do you know what the benefits of honeysuckle it?" Cousin said: "Honeysuckle is Shannon." Cousin said: "Honeysuckle Qingre, Reduce Pathogenic Fire." I said : "Honeysuckle can also be down summer heat." her mother said: "You are right, but the best place honeysuckle is native, does not appreciate other people's live."

After the play, I not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to understand the truth in life. Ah really gain a lot.


Today is May Day. I am very happy. In the morning I go to a park with my parents. We go there by bus. There are many people in the bus because it is a holiday. There are many people in the park.

There are many children there. Some are playing by the lake.Some are singing and dancing in the park. I join them. I play happily. We he a good time today. We e back late in the afternoon.


May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me:"Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let's go to park,"So my mother, my clas ate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are sral kinds of flowers. It's colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.

In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, m, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

May Day is my forite day!

May holiday is ing. Our family is going to do soming. Today I called my little brother's phone at the noon. He asked me what I am going to do in the holiday. I told him we want to go on a trip some day during but where we don't decide to go. We are going to sleep in the morning May first. Then we are going to go to Dawukou by bus in the afternoon. We are going to he a day off May 2nd. If it's will fine in May 3rd we are going to go out on trip. I am going to go to the Forest Park. Your sister's hu and is going to hometown Xiamiao. He wants to go fishing.

Gui Zexuan is going to climb the hill with his friends. We are discussing. I asked my little brother what plans you are going to in the holiday. He invited us to go his home. He wanted to go Suyukou with us. I was glad to hear the news. Our family decided to go Yingc to Suyukou on trip.


Today is May Day, mom and dad took me to the kirin mountain amusement park to play.

1.关于劳动节的英语作文【 #英语资源# 导语】劳动,是一项传统美德,让孩子认识到劳动的含义是十分重要的,劳动节便是一个最合适的节日。下面是 考 网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.五一劳动节英语作文

Labor day finally came. After I finished my breakfast, I saw my mother busy. Sweeping and mopping the floor……My mother is sweating. I couldn't but go up and say, "Mom, do you want me to do some work for you?" Mother said happily, "OK! Today is labor day."We got there at 9:00. We were divided into three groups and then began working. The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers.

First, I began to clean the furniture and glass. I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag, which was covered with dust. I'm exhausted now. I'm sweating and out of breath. But I thought, "the cleaning is very hard, but if I can't hold on at once, isn't what I just did in vain?" Do things from beginning to end. So I started sweeping the floor again. I didn't n let go of the corner. I finally cleaned it up. When I think about it carefully, I forgot to sweep the room. I went in, skillfully took the broom and swept it slowly. Just as I was holding the broom handle and pulling out the bottom of the bed, I found two dead cockroaches! You can see how dirty my house is.

Finally, I filled a bucket of water, washed the mop, dried the water and began to mop the floor. Holding the hey mop, I slowly dragged it from side to side, and then from side to side. When the water was dry, I washed the mop again. When I finish all my work and look at my home, it's a world away from before the cleaning!

After this labor day cleaning, I know: "as long as you pay, you will gain." This is also my May Day harvest.


I spent th holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the Zoo, there were crowded there, so many trelers coming from all over the country to he some fun during the holidays.

On 2nd May, I vited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch toger, the resturant were crowded as well.On 3rd May, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie.

All the other days leftI didn't go anywhere, no only becasue I still he some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in rywhere!


I spent this holiday very quick,on the 1st May,we went to the zoo,there were crowded there,so many trelers coming from all over the country to he some fun during the holidays.On 2nd May,I visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch toger,the resturant were crowded as well.On 3rd May,we went to shopping in the mall,after the shopping we went to watch a new movie. All the other days left I didn't go anywhere,no only becasue I still he some homework to do,but also there were almost all crowded in rywhere!



A wind and the calendar of the afternoon, me and my mother, cousin and the cousin yo dog to clean air, scenic Geleshan play. Small colorful flowers to welcome our arrival with a ile; Xiaohu their all head out and wed to us. We enjoy the beautiful scenery while hiking.

Along the way, yo dog to hop to hop from time to time naughty and jumped into the water hole, the others he a muddy splash. We came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields. Cousin cousin and I could not wait to pick up the pick pocket honeysuckle. Pick a pick, and I was honeysuckle mixed with a bit of rattan, the foot-slip, fall down on. If my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vines and perhaps on to pieces of it. End mining flowers, the mother asked us: "Do you know what the benefits of honeysuckle it?" Cousin said: "Honeysuckle Shannon." Cousin said: "Honeysuckle Qingre, Reduce Pathogenic Fire." I said : "Honeysuckle can also be down summer heat." her mother said: "You are right, but the best place honeysuckle native, does not appreciate other people's live."

After the play, I not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to understand the truth in life. Ah really gain a lot.


This year's may day, our whole family went out to XX park by car.

As soon as I entered the door, many lush trees came into my eyes. They were countless. How like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree. I was very curious, so I looked at it carefully, and then said solemnly, "Mom, I know the name of this tree." Mother said, "well, l me the name of such a big tree." I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother iled and said, "yes, it's a climbing lion."

As we talked and laughed, we soon came to the bridge. It was very beautiful. The endless lake and tall buildings vaguely shone on the water. How like an underwater city! Soon we came to the place where we took the boat. I asked my uncle, "how long will it be before it's our turn to take the boat?" The uncle said: "About half an hour! I was stunned, but I couldn't it. I had to wait slowly for a long time. Finally I looked forward to our boat. I immediay jumped into the boat and rowed happily. My heart was as sweet as honey. I sailed. I saw the little fish greeting us, the wild duck blessing us and wishing us a happy may day. Soon enough An hour passed. When you go back, it's because the water is too big! Some water splashes fell on my hand, as if to remind us to remember to come to this beautiful place next time.

May day passed like this. It's really an unforgettable Festival. It's a memorable holiday for the whole family.


【 #英语资源# 导语】187月,在组织召开的第二成立大会上宣布将每年的五月一日定为劳动节。经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次工人运动,187月14日,由各国主义者召集的者,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为无产阶级的共同节日。这一决定立即得到世界各国工人的积极响应。 考 网为大家准备了《劳动节英语作文【5篇】》,供大家参考阅读。


The aent of the 51 labor, my mother took me to Dunhuang intention to play for five days, I very much agree.

On the road, when we he Tulufan saw rows of densely green, and bear a string of all seeds, although all, but far and thin, like a fat baby face. Also take some time to Shanshan, we see a Journey to the West, described as the "Huoyanshan" like Hill, the results of a question is really Huoyanshan, so we bought two tickets, get the end of a moment. One into a hole, go inside a man-made "Huoyanshan" There are a number of attractions nearby. We looked at, there Gaochang city, qanat, Grape Valley, the ancient city of Jiaohe inside we continue to go there to see a full 40 meters of the Jin Gu Bang, the middle is also lit the red light, standing in front of it, looking towards the top hat will be out. Go in the inside, the last staircase, is Huoyanshan, his Monkey King was in front of a pressure element in the mountain scene below, as well as Taishang Senior Dan furnace was overthrown at the time of Miao Wei Wei Qiao scene, the image of a very realistic, like the real thing. When we go, good luck, just to catch up with the sun, and that scene, ah, the first time I saw such a red cloud around the sun are red and round, like in the horizon-like painting. While, the sun down by half, leing only half of the sun, and then after a while, from the following out of the body, so that the sun was a middle of a cloud cover, the scene was strange, like the sun , like the sun to rise, attracting many tourists.

After a day and a half's journey, we finally arrived at Dunhuang, the main tourist attractions and Crescent Moon Spring, Movie and Television City and the western Mogao four spots, we intend to he to see. Go to the Crescent Moon Spring.

Crescent Moon Spring here why it is called? Legends colored sand is sand, red, yellow, green, white, black five colors. This sand and the sand appears as a matter of fact, ry grain of sand has thousands of all holes. Legend, which is an ancient battlefield, a battle in ancient times, the offrs and men were annihilated at this time, big winds, sand flying all over the sky, the northerly wind screams as the soldiers in their cry. When you draw with a board designated from the hills, you can hear the roar. This is the origin of Mainly because of Crescent Moon Spring in Dunhuang, Gansu is located, but also in the desert of Gansu, so a long time ago, here in particular water, in the desert, only that water, it sed dreds of thousands of individuals, therefore, it is To mark this spring, on the shape of its name for the Crescent Moon Spring. After listening to the introductory tour, we started playing, first of all, we get the the camel's back, it has been climbing camel us, we he with reticle drawn down from the sand, did not expect really there, sound really stimulating! Go right look is Crescent Moon Spring, and Crescent Moon Spring is a next to the ancient Temple, which can be replaced in the ancient camera, photographers can also be taken to visit the King, very interesting!


I guess the reason this question take this long time to argue is that some guys really want a long holiday, but some guys will prefer going back home in the traditional festival to he meal with their family. So, which one do I prefer?


The May Day holiday, my mom and dad back to the countryside. We drove out of the bustling city, he been going home along a country road.

A glance through the window and the countryside is very beautiful! Blue sky, white cloud, a flock of birds flying in the sky. The field is a piece of green rywhere, from a distance, like the sea of green.

Then I said, "look, dad, the field with many Onions ah." "Silly child, that is the difference," dad said with a ile. I saw on the wheat grow a lot of battles, like a needle. I also saw the field one after another big cauliflower, grow in vain, quietly lying on the green "blanket", like a mother hold in the hand of the lovely baby. "Them into a piece, vibrant, a breeze blowing, I also elled a light faint scent.





At the foot of the mountain, and vehicles, the crowds in slowly walked to the mountain, watching from a distance like flocks of black ants in the past. At the gate of the zoo there are a lot of people buy a ticket, the team in a long dragon, lively! We continue to go up, also met with three clasates.

To the amusement park, dad and I play the surfing and crazy Mickey Mouse is very exciting, really hits the spot! And then I also go to play water transparent ball, I squat down in a big transparent ball, uncle pushed the ball hard water, the water, I waddled stood up and fell a few seconds, little brother just learning to walk, with the bank peopToday is labor day, a forite holiday for people and a holiday for people to work.le roar with laughter. Later, I am just lounging in the ball in the sun, the ball is in water, I would like a baby ah we, lying in the cradle of fun!

This is really a happy and memorable experience May Day!





the aent of the 51 labor, my mother took me to dunhuang intention to play for five days, i very much agree.

on the road, when we he tulufan saw rows of densely green, and bear a string of all seeds, although all, but far and thin, like a fat baby face. also take some time to shanshan, we see a journey to the west, described as the "huoyanshan" like hill, the results of a question is really huoyanshan, so we bought two tickets, get the end of a moment. one into a hole, go inside a man-made "huoyanshan" there are a number of attractions nearby. we looked at, there gaochang city, qanat, grape valley, the ancient city of jiaohe inside we continue to go there to see a full 40 meters of the jin gu bang, the middle is also lit the red light, standing in front of it, looking towards the top hat will be out. go in the inside, the last staircase, is huoyanshan, his monkey king was in front of a pressure element in the mountain scene below, as well as taishang senior dan furnace was overthrown at the time of miao wei wei qiao scene, the image of a very realistic, like the real thing. when we go, good luck, just to catch up with the sun, and that scene, ah, the first time i saw such a red cloud around the sun are red and round, like in the horizon-like painting. while, the sun down by half, leing only half of the sun, and then after a while, from the following out of the body, so that the sun was a middle of a cloud cover, the scene was strange, like the sun , like the sun to rise, attracting many tourists.

after a day and a half"s journey, we finally arrived at dunhuang, the main tourist attractions and crescent moon spring, movie and evision city and the western mogao four spots, we intend to he to see. go to the crescent moon spring.

crescent moon spring here why it is called? legends colored sand is sand, red, yellow, green, white, black five colors. this sand and the sand appears as a matter of fact, ry grain of sand has thousan


When my mother saw it, she praised me as a good child.

义务劳动指不计定额,不要报酬, 出自自己的自由意志而进行的劳动。那么关于义务劳动的英语作文有哪些呢?下面是我为大家精心挑选的义务劳动英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。


Saturday, March 18th sunny

It was March 12th. It was Chinese Tree Planting Day. The weather was When I got out of the car, I asked my cousin to teach me how to pick tea. We came to the tea garden with a all basket. WOW! How fresh and clean the air here is! I can only see the tender green buds dancing in the wind like a flower fairy. It's really beautiful! At this time, my cousin solemnly demonstrated and said, "first, when picking tea, you should pick it gently with your fingers, and you can't pull it hard; second, you can't pick tea big, you can only pick two lees as one." After reading the mod taught by my cousin, I couldn't wait to pick it. Because this was the first time to pick tea, I was very interested. After a while, I picked many. Looking at the fruits of my labor, I felt happy. Tired of picking, I still play hide and seek with my cousin in the tea garden. Don't mention how happy it is!n. I went to plant trees with my parents.

After we got to the park, we began to3.劳动节英语作文范文 work. We dug holes and put the trees into the holes. My mother and I watered the trees.

Trees are very important for people. They can stop the wind and sound.

Growing trees means sing people ourselves. We worked very hard.

When the sun went down, we came back home. We were very tired, but we felt very happy. What a n Tree Planting Day!

oday my clasates and i went to the park to do some volunteer labor, which was to the park.

While we were doing that, a lot of turists passed by us, looking at us curiously. And n some of them came up to ask what we did that for and how much we were paid for that. Some of us students were shy to answer those questions.

Howr, in my opinion, we should aswer those questions so proudly that we did this for nothing but just for the beauty of our park, our city, our country, and n our world.

What we he done is just a little and how I feel happy that we can do soming ful to the society.


April 28th Saturday Fine

It was Saturday, just before May Day.

My clasates and I went to the park nearby, we didn't go there for amusement but took part in voluntary labor.

The task for Group Two was collecting the litter left about by tourists and cleaning the benches.

The group I was in got to the Children's Playground and wiped all the equipment clean. We worked very hard.

At 11:00, when all the work was finished up, all my clasates met again.


1. 务劳动心得体会范文3篇

2. 我的劳动节英语作文三篇

3. 义务劳动心得3篇

4. 义务劳动心得体会精选3篇

5. 五一劳动节的英文介绍作文4篇

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