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各种各样的英语短语 各种各样的英语短语range

2024-06-03 09:32 就业前景 来源:


1、126. 多久 how long读书,是知识的海洋;读书,是精神的世界;读书,是历史的梦想;读书,是 文化 的天堂!下面给大家分享一些关于 八年级 上册英语词组 总结 ,希望对大家有所帮助。

2、36.make sth. for . 为某人做…八年级上册英语词组11. buy sth for ab./ buy . sth 为某人买某物2. taste + adj. 尝起来……3. nothing...but + V.(原形) 除了……之外什么都没有4. seem + (to be) + adj 看起来5. arrive in + 大地方 / arrive at + 小地方 到达某地6. decide to do sth. 决定做某事7. try doing sth. 尝试做某事 / try to do sth. 尽力做某事8. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事9. want to do sth. 想去做某事10. start doing sth. 开始做某事=begin doing sth.11. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 区分:stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事12. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事14. so + adj + that + 从句 如此……以至于……16. l . (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要) 做某事17. keep doing sth. 继续做某事18. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 / forget doing sth 忘记做过某事八年级上册英语词组21. go to the movies 去看电影2. look after = take care of 照顾3. surf the internet 上网4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式5. go skate boarding 去划板6. keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康7. eating habits 饮食习惯8. take more exercise 做更多的运动9. the same as 与什么相同10. be different from 不同11. once a month一月一次12. tw a week一周两次13.make a difference to 对......有影响/作用14. most of the students=most students15. shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物16. be good for 对......有益17. be bad for 对......有害18. come home from school放学回家19. of course = certainly = sure 当然20. get good grades 取得好成绩21. keep/be in good health 保持健康22. take a vacation 去度假八年级上册英语词组31. more outgoing 更外向/更开朗2. as...as...与…… 一样3. the singing competition 歌咏比赛4. the most important 最重要的5. be talented in music 在音乐方面有天赋6. the same as 与……相同8. be different from 与…...不同9. be like a ror 像一面镜子10. as long as 只要;与…...一样长11. bring out 显示/显出12. get better grades 取得更好的成绩13. reach for 伸手达到/达到14. touch one’s heart 感动15. in fact 事实上16. make friends 交朋友17. be good at 在某方面成绩好18. the other 另一个19. be similar to 与…相似20. be good with 与…和睦相处21. he fun=He a good time 玩得开心 he fun doing sth 做某事很开心22. do the same things as me. 做和我一样的事情23. It’s+adj+(for .)to do sth. “做某事(对某人来说)是...的 ”24 make friends with . 与某人交朋友25. as long as 只要;既然,条件状语从句八年级上册英语词组41. so far 到目前为止,迄今为止2. no problem 没什么,别客气3. he….in common 有相同特征(想法、兴趣等方面)相同4. be up to 由…...决定/是…...的职责5. all kinds of … 各种各样的……6. play a role in doing sth./ sth. 发挥作用,有影响7. make up 编造( 故事 、谎言等)8. for example=e.g. 例如9. take …..seriously 认真对待10. not rybody 并不是每个人11. close to 离..….近12. more and more 越来越……八年级上册英语词组51. find out 查出/发现2. be ready to do 准备做…3. dress up 打扮/化妆成4. take one's place 代替某人5. do a good job 干的好/表演的出色6. think of 想到/思考7. show 游戏节目8. learn from 向…...学习9. talk show 访谈节目10. soap opera 肥皂剧11. go on 继续12. watch a movie 看电影13. one of… 其中之一14. try one’s best to =do one’s best to 竭尽全力15. a pair of 一双16. as famous as 一样闻名/出名17. look like 看起来像18. around the world 世界各地19. he a discussion about 讨论…...20. one day 有一天/某一天21. such as 例如22. a symbol of 一个象征/标志23. soming enjoyable 快乐的事情24. interesting rmation 有趣的信息八年级上册英语词组总结相关 文章 :★ 八年级上册英语Unit8词组总结★ 人教版八年级上册英语Unit9词组总结★ 八年级上册英语短语汇总★ 英语八年级上册短语复习归纳★ 2020八年级上册英语短语总结★ 八年级上册英语重点总结★ 八年级上册英语Units1-10单元知识点归纳★ 八年级上册英语期末复习要点归纳★ 八年级上册英语语法整理。


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