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巴黎旅游介绍 巴黎旅游介绍英文版

2024-05-21 09:33 就业前景 来源:


旺多姆广场由建筑师于勒·阿尔杜-芒萨尔根据卢富瓦大臣的设想建造。四周外观一模一样的大楼竣工于1720年,广场最初叫作"征服广场",后来又改称" 大帝广场"直至1792年,广场一直竖立着一座由杰拉尔束创作的十四骑马像。


巴黎旅游介绍 巴黎旅游介绍英文版巴黎旅游介绍 巴黎旅游介绍英文版








巴黎院坐落于巴黎市中心塞纳河中的西岱岛上,始建于1163年,是巴黎大主教莫里斯·德·苏利决定兴建的,整座教堂在1345年才全部建成,历时180多年。 巴黎院是一座典型的哥特式教堂,之所以闻名于世,主要因为它是欧洲建筑史上一个划时代的标志。



位于巴黎市中心的赛纳河北岸(右岸老佛爷百货 Galeries Lafayette),是巴黎的心,始建于1204年,历经700多年扩建重修达到今天的规模。占地约198公顷,长680米,分为新老两部分,老的建于十四时期,新的建于时代。宫前的金字塔形玻璃入口,是华人建筑贝聿铭设计的






戴高乐广场(Place Charles de Gaulle),法国巴黎市中心主要广场之一,凯旋门的所在地。 戴高乐广场位于塞纳河以北,是十二条主要道路的交汇点,其中最的就是向东南延伸的香榭丽舍大街。塞纳河是法国第二大河,也是巴黎这座城市的母亲河,主要分为右岸、左岸两大部分,右岸则是巴黎的商务以及中心,而左岸则是用来休闲的文艺中心,比较多的还是咖啡店以及拉丁区。塞纳河上最为的还是桥梁,而且造型个不一样,最为壮观的还是三世桥,直接将香榭丽舍大街和荣军院相连接,十分便利。 该广场始建于1892年,1899年落成。



不像伦敦曾经被1666年伦敦大火所摧毁,里斯本曾经被1755年里斯本摧毁,巴黎在自中世纪以来的发展中,一面保留了过去的印记,甚至是历史最悠久的某些街道的布局,一面形成了统一的风格,并且实现了现代化的基础天:卢浮宫(3小时) 步行15分钟 杜乐丽花园(1小时) 步行5分钟 协和广场(1小时) 步行7分钟 三世桥(1小时)步行8分钟 塞纳河游船(2小时)设施。



埃菲尔铁XianXianCi (le) located at the center of Paris Pantheon Seine leftbank, Latin quarter in 17 after completion, is permanent memorial temple French historical celebrities. It is built. ShiWuShi generation Louis塔


塞纳1. 巴黎公共交通联合机构提供1-5天的旅客通票;MOBILIS 提供在一天之内在任何地方搭乘任何交通工具(RATP、SNCF和Optile)的通票。河


巴黎院位于巴黎的市中心,也是巴黎比较早的建筑,经历了巴黎这座城市的历史变迁, 其建筑物上多有雕像,异常华丽。游客们参观院时,悦禾游客可以主要参观教堂内部和钟楼、地下室三个部分,其中的登顶钟楼比较受欢迎,而且是需要提前预约才能进场,即使游客持有院通票也是不能进入的,所以建议游客提前预约,才会不留遗


The Eiffel Tower in Paris downtown Seine nanan, is the world's first steel structure tower, be regarded as symbol of Paris. Because of French renowned architect St · Eiffel design and build the name. Built in 1887-1889. High tower 300 meters, minus weighed 9,000 tonnes, three layers. The first layer platform is apart from the ground, 57 meters set shops and restaurants, Article 115 meters high, second platform with cafe; The third platform as high as 276 meters, for visitors to overlook, bottom area 1 million square meters, is on the third floor place building structure suddenly contraction, squarely on the er. From one side of the distance, like writing letters poured "Y". The tower from 1.8 million a components and million rivet constitutes. He elevator or hiking terengganu tower. At night, being issued twirled color searchlights, prnt plane collision. Towers beside erect rectangle white marble columns tops placed St Eiffel gold-plated portraits.

The Louvre (Palais nic Louvre) is one of France's largest palace building, is located in the center of Paris Seine right bank, south of the Paris opera square. It is a medieval castle, after the 16th century by many reconstruction, extension, the 18th century for existing scale. Covering an area of about 45 hectares. In early 1546 years, king jehoshaphat francois I decided on the basis of the original castle built a new house, then after 9 Kings continued expansion, lasted for more than 300 years, forming a is shaped like the letter U the grand palace complex. 1793 on August 10, in the overthrow of the monarchy anniversary, French "national association" decided to former palace bi national art museum, In November 18, the Louvre museum opened to the public. The whole project completed in 1857. In the west of the Louvre buccal glyph main hall, stretch out two wings, among the clearing of forming salomon kalou square. Palace of the east has long column colonnade, towering magnifnt buildings. The gallery for 900 feet, keeps a 17th century and European Renaissance period many artists' works. Rotational basis amounted to 40 million. The Louvre museum of arts is divided into six parts, Greek and Roman museum, Oriental art, Egyptian museum, European medieval and Renaissance and modern statue hall, Successive painting museum. According to the different schools, school exhibition times and classification. A layer of exhibition sculpture. Second oil painting, three layer is CaiFen drawings and paintings. In the early 1980s, the French government implement expansion and repair the Louvre museum's "big Louvre plan".

Notre Dame DE Paris Notre Dame DE Paris (-) was the most famous of the medieval gothic cathedral, with its scale, age and in archaeological investigations, and architectural value and celebrated. Paris bishop Maur DE polity and had assumed that will be two earlier Brazil the church KaShi (rectangular) a large church, synthetic 1163 years by the Pope Alexander sansei foundation, high alter in 1189 held in a dedication ceremony, 124 in choir mat, west facade and enterprise completion, lanai, prayer room and other decorate in subsequent one being constructed. Internal plane 130 x 48 meters high, roof, 35 metres high tower 68 meters. Tower spire has not been built. Church through ages of damage to the 19th century rebuild, only three huge round beautiful window remains in the 13th century of colored glass. The house "flying ed lsyer special are vigorous and graceful.

The Bastille Place DE la Bastille site () is located in downtown Paris barilleri in the east, the Seine, this was the 1369 - ritually castrated established a military fortresses. Bastille "one word of French original intention is" castle." This ancient castle has 8 seat towering strong fort, the construction is the beginning of the British invasion to resist. 1380-1353 years, the castle was renamed the wangs prison. The castle covers 2670 square meters, built a wall around tall and thick stonewalling and with 8 more than 30 meters high tower, surrounded by digging wide 24 metres deep groove, a suspension bridge in. Early in the 16th century, here began held prisoner prisoners, French enlightenment thinker voltaire was tw held here. In the French people's heart, the bastille has become the symbol of the French feudal despoti. In 1789 on July 3, Paris people involve yourself, 14, uprising stormed the bastille prison, has opened the prelude of the French revolution. 17 after, Paris people destroy the bastille, in its continue built the bastille square, and put down the stone shop to assist the Seine river bridge, for passers-by trampled. In 1830, the French people in central plaza and build a memorial of July revolution LieShiBei. This LieShiBei high 52 meters, BeiShen is to use bronze cylinder, known as the "July cylindrical", in column top is one honour right hand the torch aloft golden wings statue of liberty, gods in her left hand be bungled to break the chains of symbolizing . In prison site ahead was a stand brand, top write: "ryone dancing here!" In 1880, France, June 14 July Paris people bastille this day as the French National Day.

Tourist Guide: Paris, France, the dream of all luxury pleasure

Paris is the biggest city in Europe, it is fashionable popularity, civilization, art, knowledge hall pronoun, known as "world flowers". Under the influence of G邂逅巴黎,才发现任何一种艺术形式,都不能淋漓尽致地展现巴黎的魅力。她太像一个文艺到骨子里的梦境。ulf Stream in Paris, belong to mild climate. The city daytime temperatures erage only 28 degrees or so, humidity is low, the summer to Paris, the scenery is best. Annually in January and July respectively, there will be a comprehensive sale (SOLDES), all the shop will launch their special action, right now to Paris shopping touri is a good opportunity.

Here are the arc DE triomphe, majestic symbol standing majestic France - the Eiffel Tower. The Paris city center is the oldest and most active, most bustling district - was the "west the Seine ring rao haidai" (cite) island "Notre Dame DE Paris" and Paris court. Concorde square, soft Atlantic church, Paris opera house, du yi center-stage park and the Louvre, etc are concentrated in here. Night rafting, clothing, PeiYing Seine incense Chopin's ear suddenly sounded nocturnes, romantic and bushes. There are red mills and the artistic charm of Paris opera make a per荣军院son enchanted. As astronomers Lear grams once said "Paris is a imcomparable city".

Seine river water will all Paris is divided into the left and right two area. Paris is the right of the financial, trade, consumption center. Leftbank with knowledge and vitality to win, saint-germain area win the world knowledge center crown. If say up art, left, right between regardless of Aberdeen. The whole of Paris, not only natural scenery beautiful pleasant, and rywhere emits artistic breath.

Paris museum, the exhibition hall since there's to Paris, just public parks, streets, they are rywhere spout, rywhere sculpture. Not only has the ancient art, and has the modern work. In recent years, along with Paris ization, south of downtown Paris has changed significantly. Many old uptown the old houses were knocked down, acting with stacks of new residential area and tall off buildings. Meanwhile, in the south of the city with handkerchief that si area and the 13 around the Italian square, also built many new buildings.

Some called Paris as "Babylon", that is the American writer Fitzgerald in Babylon "in the novel return to Paris call - a only luxury and pleasures of the dream city. Nobody can l Paris how is the city, but rybody was sure they will be spent in Paris this most unforgettable day.

For over a dred years, parisians still walk in the nineth century, grel, on the line along the boulevard, dotted with these names: union square, arc DE triomphe, Louvre, Notre Dame DE Paris... On the enue passed is Hugo, baudelaire, Madame Curie, Picasso, Joyce...

Most visitors love, is an ancient and romantic, namely along the Louvre in Paris - champs elysees - the xiehe square - the triumphal arch of this perfect axis begin their trel. Indeed, Paris is a extremely the historical city, the historic sites already enough to let us forget. With these classical monuments co-exist, are another Paris, a full of halfback and boximiya breath of Paris.

Parisians are lucky, this is an art and history interwoven city, street is lively, lane is left cultural life. Has been to Paris will uncond协和广场itional love this city, fell in love with her romantic, fell in love with her fashion, fell in love with her culture.

Paris, not only to retain the ancient civilization of glamour, more with its modern charm attracts countries visitors.


5. 巴黎的电影院里不仅放映法国、美国的影片,还放映南美洲、非洲、的电影。女性单身去观看很安全。每周一、三很多影院门票打折。



2. 游览巴黎和巴黎大区lle-de-France 的通票。您可以选择在 1,2,3,5 天内无限次地乘坐巴黎地铁,巴黎大区网的列车和大巴黎地区的公共汽车,凡尔赛(Versailles)、巴黎迪斯尼乐园、奥利机场(Orly)和戴高乐机场也包括在内。

3. 巴黎地铁高清图

6. 在餐馆用餐,一般会先送上一篮面包,这是免费的,相当于餐厅送的开胃小菜。所谓的“法国大餐”其实分量很少,胃口大的人就靠这些面包填饱肚子了。

8. 巴黎四季气候温和,夏天温度很少超过25℃,冬天的气温通常也在0℃以上。一年中的降水分布比较平均,每个月都至少有1/3以上的日子会下雨,随身带把雨伞是必要的。





杜乐丽花园 Jardin desTuileries


协和广场 Placed la Concorde

香榭丽舍大道 Les Champs-Elysees

地铁1、8、12线至 Concorde(协和广场)地铁1、2、6号线、RERA线至 Charles- de Gaulle- Etoile(凯旋门)香榭丽舍大道东起协和广场,西至凯旋门。东段以自然风光为主,西段是的商业街。商业街上有快餐店、法国餐厅、哈根达斯、阿迪、耐克、丝芙兰、 longchamp、ugg、卡地亚、奔驰等专卖店,lv总部也在这里哦

凯旋门 Arc de triomphe deEtoile

乘坐1、2、6号线或RERA线至 Charles- de Gaulle- Etoile站下车早晨10点开门,凯旋门是为了纪念1806年胜利而建的,其正下方是无名烈士墓。每年人都会来这里献花圈纪念。这里感觉像是巴黎的心,以凯旋门为中心,12条笔直宽阔的马路辐射开来,其中一条就是香榭丽舍大道。凯旋门内部是可以买票进入的,游客可以到达顶,一览半个巴黎风景(不过没有埃菲尔铁塔高)


巴黎院 Notre- Dane deP一译“艾菲尔铁塔”。法国巴黎铁塔。在塞纳河南岸马尔斯广场的北端。塔身为钢架镂空结构,高320米,重9,000吨。有海拔57米、115米和276米的三层平台可供游览,第四层平台海拔300米,设气象站。顶部架有天线,为巴黎电视中心。从地面到塔顶装有电梯和1,710级阶梯。aris

地铁4号线Cit站,下车后向东步行即可到达RERB/C于 Saint-michel-notre-Dame站下车后可抵达巴黎院位于巴黎市中心的西岱岛上,是巴黎总教堂,哥特式风格建筑。其一共分为3部分:教堂,钟楼和地下室。教堂是免费参观的,钟楼需要买票才能进去哦


莎士比亚书店 Shakespeareand Company

莎士比亚书店就坐落在巴黎院对面。书店诞生于ー战之后,主要以出售英文书籍为主。、斯坦因、菲兹杰拉德都曾是这里的常客。曾经有许多先进的思潮也诞生于此,更是一些进步人士或派的聚集地。也曾在自己的书中提到过这个书店,电影” Deforesunset”也曾在这里取景。现在这里成为文艺青年巴黎必打卡的一站。

先贤寺 Pantheon


卢森堡公园 Jardin duLuxembourg



奥赛博物馆 Musee d’ Orsay

RERC线至 Musee d’orsay站或地铁12号线至S0Ferina站早晨9:30开馆,每周一闭馆,奥赛博物馆是法国近代艺术博物馆,主要收藏绘画、雕塑、摄影等作品。博物原先是奥赛火车站,车站停用废弃多年后改为博物馆。里面有梵高、莫奈、米勒的真迹哦~进门记得现在右边的服务台拿一份中文导览图,买票的时候还可以一起租个中文讲解器,这里的讲解器是没有耳机的,所以不能两个人共用一个。雕塑大多在一二层,梵高的作品也在二层,莫奈等其他印象派画作在五层。对艺术感兴趣的可以留半天的时间在这里

波旁宫 Assemblee Nationale

地址: Palais Bourbon33, Quai d’ Orsay, Paris,France从奥赛博物馆沿塞纳河畔往西走几百米就看见可波旁官。波旁宫原来是波旁王朝的宫殿,现在是法国国民议会所在地,它特色的就是门口12根举行立柱。进去参观不要门票,但是需要提前预约。不进去从门口路过看一眼也蛮好的~

荣军院L” ho des Invalides

地铁8号线至 La Tour Maubourg或 Invalides站地铁13号线至 Varennes或 Saint Francois- Xi站,RERC线至 Invalides站从波旁官继续西行几分钟就来到了荣军院。荣军院是十四下令建造用于安置归来的退伍的,现在这里是纪念圣地,内有陵寝、教堂和军事博物馆。军事爱好者,迷的必游之地。

塞纳河游船 La Seine

巴黎的塞纳河游船公司有很多家,码头地点分布也不尽相同,大家可以根据自己的喜好进行选择。地址: Port de la Bourdonnais, Paris, France铁塔脚下 Bourdonnai旺多姆广场s三号码头普通的游船全程大约1小时左右,有中文解说,塞纳河两岸的主要景点都可以看到,也会从的三世桥下穿过,可以一睹其风采船票可以在码头购买,也可以直接在某宝购买(某宝真的好强大)某宝上票价只要35元。如果想在船上吃午餐或者晚餐,可以去5号或者7号码头

埃菲尔铁塔 Tour Eiffel

地铁6线至 Birhakein站、RERC线至 Champ de Marsi站、地铁9线至 Trocadero站



巴黎春天 Le Printemps



1. 巴黎是法国城市,欧洲第二大城市,法国的、经济、文化、商业中心。

2. 巴黎目前是世界上最重要的和文化中心之一,在教育、娱乐、时尚、科学、媒体、艺术、等方面皆有重大影响力,被认为是世界上最重要的大都会之一 ,一般普世观念上与日本东京、美国纽约、英国伦敦并列世界四大级都市。

3. 巴黎也是欧洲绿化最深与最适合人类居住的城市之一 ,也是世界上生活费用的城市之一。

4. 根据估计,巴黎是欧洲或第二大城市经济体,也是世界上第六大城市经济体〈按购买力平价PPP调整〉。总共有33间财富世界500强企业的总部设立在巴黎都会区,是欧洲最集中的地区。

5. 巴黎的高等教育机构是欧盟最集中的地区,高等教育研究与发展支出也是欧洲的地区。

6. 巴黎也被认为是世界上最适合研发创新的城市之一。

7. 巴黎与与邻近都会区总共有3,800个法国遗产与4个世界遗产。

8. 每年有4,200万人造访巴黎与邻近都会区,也让巴黎成为世界上最多观光客造访的城市。

9. 巴黎是历史之城、美食之都和创作重镇。巴黎是的世界艺术之都,印象派美术发源地,芭蕾舞的诞生地,欧洲启蒙思想运动中心,电影的故乡,现代奥林匹克运动会创始地。巴黎又是世界公认的文化之都,大量的科学机构、研究院、图书馆、博物馆、电影院、剧院、音乐厅分布于全市的各个角落。


4. 要小心在那些密布在景点旁边的纪念品、工艺品店里,不同的店相同的货会相很大价格,少的上30%-50%,多的竟然上一倍,而且有不少纪念品实际都是制造。



第二天位于巴黎市中心奥斯曼大街上的老佛爷旗舰店,是欧洲的百货公司。共有三栋楼,分别为男装部、女装部和家居部。(注意一定要去奥斯曼这家旗舰店,别的地方还有老佛爷的分店,但是很小)。整个商场人很多,特别是女装部,人很多。几平每个柜台都有会说中文的服务员。LV、 chanel前永远都在排着长队。如果购物时间比较紧张的话,这里会是不错的选择。因为老佛爷包含的种类很多,护肤品手表、首饰、包包、衣服鞋子。:奥赛博物馆(1.5小时) 步行5分钟 橘园美术馆(机动选择) 地铁+步行10分钟 香榭丽舍大街(30分钟) 地铁+步行12分钟巴黎凯旋门(30分钟) 地铁+步行25分钟 埃菲尔铁塔(1小时)

第三天:卢森堡公园(1小时) 步行15分钟 先贤祠(1小时) 步行10分钟 莎士比亚书店(30分钟) 步行2分钟 巴黎院(1小时)步行12分钟 蓬皮杜艺术文化中心(1小时)

第四天:爱墙(30分钟) 步行7分钟 法国圣心大教堂(1小时) 地铁+步行20分钟 巴黎歌剧院(30分钟) 步行3分钟巴黎老佛爷奥斯曼旗舰店(3小时) 或者 巴黎春天百货(3小时)


卢浮宫Paris (L 'triumphal arch arc DE Triomphe) is located in the center of Paris star plaza (now called general DE gaulle square), is the central France to commemorate napoleon 1806, in February in darfur AoSiTe Bates battle beat Russia, Austrian armies built, 12 street in the triumphal arch as the center, around to radiation, r-roaring, like starlight 4 shoot. Engineering design, by the architect Sherpa grand foundation-laying August 1806, which lasted 30 year, 1836 July completion. Arc DE triomphe high 49.54 meters, the width 44.82 meters, 22.21 meters thick. It all around the door, center arch wide 1.46 meters, with two side high piers as the pillar and middle elevator fluctuation. In vaulted dome above he three layers of confining corridor, the highest layer is showroom, shown here about various historical relics and the arc DE triomphe napoleon's secrets pictures, Second collection with all kinds of French decorations, MEDALS, The lowest lls is the arc DE triomphe JingWeiChu and accounting off.

巴黎世界的旅游城市,吸引了无数游客前来观光、购物、美食、艺术和文化等方面的体验。以下是一些巴黎旅游攻略,供参考:1. 交通:巴黎的公共交通系统很发达,建议游客购买 “巴黎通” ,包括地铁、公交、火车、博物馆和景点门票等,价格比单独购买便宜。2. 餐饮:巴黎拥有许多美食餐厅和小吃店,建议品尝当地特色餐点,例如法式面包、甜点和葡萄酒等。3. 购物:巴黎有许多商店、购物中心和街头摊位,商店街如香榭丽舍大街、奥斯曼大街和蒙马特区等可供购物。4. 户外景点:巴黎有许多景点,如艾菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫博物馆、院大教堂和凯旋门等。5. 艺术和文化:巴黎是艺术之都,有许多博物馆和艺术家的故居展示了众多艺术家的作品和历史。6. 夜生活:巴黎有许多、酒吧和表演场所,让您能够享受到精彩的夜生活。7. 安全:尽管巴黎是相对安全的城市,游客应该注意保护好自己的财物和安全,特别是在人多拥挤的地方。以上是一些巴黎旅游攻略,当然还有很多其它方面和细节,希望您能够有愉快的旅程!

7. 巴黎景点有:卢浮宫、埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎院、凯旋门、凡尔赛、巴黎歌剧院、奥赛博物馆等。

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