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mayday的英语 Mayday的英语翻译

2024-06-03 09:35 考试试题 来源:


1. 以MAY DAY 写一篇英语作文 1]May Day Long Holidays, Kept or Cancelled?

mayday的英语 Mayday的英语翻译mayday的英语 Mayday的英语翻译

mayday的英语 Mayday的英语翻译

mayday的英语 Mayday的英语翻译

Recently, we carried out a survey on wher the May Day long holidays should be cancelled or kept by means of questionnaire. The results are as fellows:

About 24% of the surveyed people are in four of the canceling. The defenders state that the May Day long holidays contribute to many problems. For a start, many tourists choose to trel during the long holidays; as a consequence, the traffic, wher the train or the plane, is very crowded, which, of course, brings a lot of inconveniences to the people who need to make regular trips. It is an accepted fact that ry tourist attraction can only receive a certain number of visitors, but now with the tourists flowing in, the scenic spots are damaged and some cultural relics are ruined. Anyway, none of us, including the visitors, is willing to see the consequence.

Howr, another 76% are strongly against the canceling. May is a good time for outing and to experience spring, so people need the long holiday. No one can deny that the touri economy is promoted, especially sales of modity in the touri destinations.

Maybe wher the May Day long holidays will be cancelled or kept depends on the government's policy. 2]

May Day is ing! The precious sn days to me are what water to one in the desert, for I he already been exhausted by the pressure of earning a living in this society. Therefore, it is a good chance for me to pay a visit to my parents living in the countryside and to enjoy the fresh air and the fortable atmosphere during the first four days. And then I will e back to the place where I am living a very busy life. The fierce petition does not allow me to relax too much, so I he to spend the rest days on reviewing what I he done as well as improving my defects in working

2. 以MAY DAY 写一篇英语作文

May Day Today is May Day. I he expected this day for a long time,for my parents promised that they would take me to the museum which I wanted to go there deadly. We reached there at about half past eight,and there had lots of people already.Most of them were like us,parents and their children. I saw lots of things there,such as gallary, science, weapons ,ect. Time went by so fast,it was time for us to lee . We spent a happy day at there,not just because I saw lots of things,but also I learnt a lot. If I he the chance, I would like go there again。

3. 以MAY DAY 写一篇英语作文

May Day

Today is May Day. I he expected this day for a long time,for my parents promised that they would take me to the museum which I wanted to go there deadly.

We reached there at about half past eight,and there had lots of people already.Most of them were like us,parents and their children. I saw lots of things there,such as gallary, science, weapons ,ect.

Time went by so fast,it was time for us to lee . We spent a happy day at there,not just because I saw lots of things,but also I learnt a lot.

If I he the chance, I would like go there again.

4. 【MayDay作文】

May DayI had a good may day. It was wondflu.In the morning, I went to a park with my father and my mother. We were happy. We went to my grand parents's home. I was so happy. I played basketball with my cousin. Her name is Chen Cunzhuo. Her English name is Lucy. In the noon, we ate good food steamed dumplings and ZongZi.They are yummy.In the afternoon,I cleaned my room,bedroom and livingroom.Because is labor's Day.Then I listened to《sweet》and《love's wing》. Then I played r s.In the ning,I watched TV.Then I played with my firend.Oh!Today is cloudy rainy.I was so tired, but I was so happy.。

5. 英语作文“may day"怎么写

Today is May Day. I he expected this day for a long time,for my parents promised that they would take me to the museum which I wanted to go there deadly. We reached there at about half past eight,and there had lots of people already.Most of them were like us,parents and their children. I saw lots of things there,such as gallary, science, weapons ,ect. Time went by so fast,it was time for us to lee . We spent a happy day at there,not just because I saw lots of things,but also I learnt a lot. If I he the chance, I would like go there again.。

6. 写作文英语May Day10个字

ect,for my parents promised that they would take me to the museum which I wanted to go there deadly,such as gallary,not just because I saw lots of things,weapons .Most of them were like us.

Time went by so fast.We spent a happy day at there.I saw lots of things there.

If I he the chance.

We reached there at about half past eight,science,it was time for us to lee ,and there had lots of people already,but also I learnt a lotMay Day

Today is May Day,I would like go there again,parents and their children.I he expected this day for a long time

7. 【帮忙写一篇英语作文(会追分)以MayDay为题写一篇英语作文.参

Today is Sunday.I get up at six o' clock.I do the homework on the morning.And I clean the room at o o' clock in the afternoon.Then I wash the clother.I buy a story-book with my mother.In the ning ,I watch TV.At nine o' clock,I go to bed.(花了好大时间,一定要选啊,。

8. 以May Day为题写篇作文,认为自己英语好的,来

May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let's go to park,” So my mother, my clas ate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are sral kinds of flowers. It's colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.

In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, m, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

May Day is my forite day!

9. may day短文怎么写

My name is xxx. My English name is xxx. I'm six years old. I study in Dongzhou Middle School. I'm in Class 12, Grade 8. Here is my day. I often get up at five fifty in the morning. I spend enty minutes putting on my clothes, washing my face and brushing my te. It takes me ten minutes to he breakfast. Luckily, my home is opite the school. I am always the first to go to school. I go to school at 6:25. Before class, I do some reading. Classes begin at sn enty. There are five lessons in the morning and four lessons in the afternoon. I he lunch and supper at school. I always do some exercise after school. I like playing table tennis best. If I he free time, I will play chess with my father. Sadly, I always lose, but I nr give up playing chess. I think I will beat my father some day. My school life is colourful. 我叫周Hongjie。



这里是我的节日。 我经常在早上5五十。



























mayday是什么意思 mayday如何翻译

1. Mayday是一种电遇险信号

2. Mayday这个词初是法语“救救我”的“Maider”(在标准法语中不单独使用,通常是Venez maider或Aidez-moi),所以英语发音变成了“Mayday”


4. 发送Mayday求救信号时,必须连续呼叫三次(“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”),以免被人听到、被噪音覆盖或与其他通讯相混淆。通常情况下,船只或飞机会发出Mayday求救信号;一些地区的警察和消防员也使用这个呼号向同事寻求帮助


问题一:求救,用英文怎么写? 50分 如果是人处于危难中求救,那么求救语直接说 Help!

如果是想表达向某人求救,那么可以用短语结构为 ask . for

如果是想显示让人发现自己的求救信号,常常用标志 SOS


问题二:“求救信号”用英语怎么说 "Distress signal


全部distress signal



The crew did not send out any distress signals


问题三:向他求助用英语怎么说? ask him for

问题四:电影里长喊的 求救求救 我们要坠毁了! 其中的求救用英语怎么说? 好像读音大概是made Mayday, Mayday. 的发音,是电呼救口语 = 救命呀,救命呀。

问题五:他向我求助 用英语怎么说 说法比较多。一般的几种:

1. He is seeking from me.

2. He is asking fro阀 me.

3. He turned to me for .

问题六:我看美国电影里,直升机坠机的时候老是说,没滴。。没滴。。 啥意思啊,是求救吗?用英语怎么说啊? Mayday这个词很容易让人联想到阳光明媚、暖洋洋的,可事实上它却是遇险的飞机、船只等使用的电呼救信号,可人们为什么会在危急时刻使用五月的天作为呼救信号呢?

在成为呼救信号之前,Mayday本来只是一个传统节日。在五月的天,人们搬出丰盛的美食,载歌载舞,欢庆春天的到来,这也是五一劳动节(May Day)的起源。但是,作为呼救信号的mayday和五月的天就没有什么关系了,它起源于法语词m'aidez,表示帮帮我,救命。

Mayday之所以这么拼写,只是因为这个单词的发音和法语中的m'aidez( me)或短语venez m'aider(e me)的后半部分的读音相同。此外,Mayday读来琅琅上口,很适合用于杂音和静电噪声较大的远距离电传播中,相对比较容易从嘈杂的声音中脱颖而出。

问题七:呼救 英语怎么翻译 Mayday,源自法文“Venez m'aider”的“Mayday”。“Mayday”一词原为“救我”的法语“m'aider”,以英语发音就变成了“Mayday”。

发出“Mayday”这一呼救信号,必须连续呼叫三次(Mayda俯, Mayday, Mayday),以免误听,或被噪音盖过。




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