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我非常想念你英文 我非常想念你英文怎么说

2024-05-21 09:33 志愿填报 来源:


我非常想念你英文 我非常想念你英文怎么说我非常想念你英文 我非常想念你英文怎么说



3、那么,你知道想念的的英文单词是什么吗?想念的英文释义:long to I miss you so mach.see againyearn towardsyearn我真的会想念你的。

4、I'm really going to miss you.我非常想念你。

5、I miss you very much.He came to miss his homeland when he settled down abroad.我想念你的吻,想念所有我们分享的一切。

6、I miss your 句子翻译该是这样吧:你的头像让我着迷,很漂亮。

7、kisses and all that we share.你在外一定非常想念你的未婚妻吧?You must he missed your fiancee very much.He came to miss his homeland when he settled down abroad.这张卡片是告诉您,我们仍然想念您。

8、This card is to show that we still care.The child yearns much toward his friends.母亲由于想念失去的孩子而悲伤。

9、The mother languished for her lost child.1. I think he misses her terribly. You might cheer him up. 我估计他是太想念她了。


11、2. He seems compley self-contained and he doesn't miss you when you'renot there. 他似乎十分,你不在的时候也并不想念你。

12、3. Almost as an afterthought he added that he missed her. 他又几乎不假思索地补充说他想念她。

13、4. Your mama and I are gonna miss you at Christmas. 我和妈过圣诞节的时候会想念你的。

14、6. Sharon was a wonderful lady and I know she'll be greatly missed. 莎伦是一位了不起的女士,我知道人们会非常想念她的。

15、9. I shall miss him terribly. 我会非常想念他。

16、10. He will be sorely missed. 大家会非常想念他的。

17、12. I'll miss you kiddo. 小伙子,我会想念你的。

18、13. I miss thee, beloved father. 亲爱的父亲,孩儿想念您。

19、14. I miss hWe miss you very muchim dreadfully. 我非常想念他。

20、15. I miss you dreadfully. 我非常想念您。

21、16. He has been longing for her r since she left. 自她走后,他一直在想念她.17. We he missed you badly since you were gone. 自你走后我们非常想念你.18. Overseas Chinese cherish the memory of their home land. 侨胞想念祖国.。


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