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羽毛球的英文 羽毛球的英文怎么读

2024-05-21 09:32 专业解读 来源:


8、比赛暂停:Play is suspended.


羽毛球的英文 羽毛球的英文怎么读羽毛球的英文 羽毛球的英文怎么读


Ibeganplayingf19世纪中叶,印度西部的浦那出现了现代羽毛球运动,当时是以地名「浦那(Poona)」来称呼这种运动。 驻在当地英国人颇为喜爱这种新运动,因而将它传回英国本土。 1873年,在英国格洛斯特郡的伯明顿庄园举行了一场公开表演,引起许多人的注意,并逐渐传播开来。 后来人们便以该场表演的庄园名称「伯明顿(Badminton)」来称呼这项运动. 所以羽毛球的英文名称就是叫Badminton.ootballwheniwasXXXyearsold.Ttisjustsofun!Therearemanyworldwideinternationalcompetitionoffootball.OneofthemajorinternationalcompetitionsotballistheWorldCuporganizedbyFédérationInternationaledeFootballAssociation.










例: Badminton can be played by o or four people. 羽毛球可以玩两个或四个人。




参考: .dictionary.yahoo/

羽毛球=badminton or badmintoon or shuttleMyFouriteSport cock or shuttlecock 都可以代表羽毛球啵 2年班教啵

羽毛球=badminton 2009-10-01 17:05:18 补充: shuttlecock是指羽毛球



7、局数1比1:One all.

羽毛球赛换发球英语:Serv over.

2、换球:Change the shuttle.

3、重发球:Play a let.

4、接发球员违例:Faul羽毛球的英文是badminton 但唔系英文名,羽毛球是无名的, 有都系牌子名。t receiver.

5、发球违例:Serv fault called.



1、比赛开始,零比零:Love all, play.

2、局点14比8:14 point 8.

3、局点2比2:2 point all.

5、你击球两次违例:You hit the shuttle tw. (Double hits)



1、篮球basketball,排球volleyball,t羽毛球ennis,足球footballsoccer,乒乓球table tennisfootball可以指英式足球,也可以指美式的橄榄球抱在手里,撞来撞去的soccer专指英式足球,也就是用脚踢的那种球;羽毛球bedminton 羽毛球拍bedmintonracket 相关单词football 足球 tennis 网球 volleyball 排球 望采纳,谢谢;羽毛球的英文名称是Bad-minton音译为“巴德米通”,怎么会叫这么个名字呢原来,Badminton是包菲特公爵领地的名称,以它来命名羽毛球与这项运动的来历有关那是在19世纪中叶,英国伦敦西部有一个小城镇叫巴德米通,镇;羽毛球的英文是badminton,英 #712b#230dm#618nt#601n,美 #712b#230d#716m#618nt#601n短语学打羽毛球 How to Play Badminton 喜欢打羽毛球 like playing badminton 我打羽。

1. badminton 羽毛球

2、badminton 羽毛球 shuttlecock 羽毛球, 毽, 板羽球, 玩毽子 打羽毛球通常是说 play badminton满意请采纳;打羽毛球的英文是play badminton 音标是英 ple#618 #712b#230dm#618nt#601n,美 ple#618 #712b#230dm#618nt#601n例句My forite sport is play badminton and table;“羽毛球”的英语“Badminton”英 #712b#230dm#618nt#601n 美 #712b#230d#716m#618nt#601n例句1I like playing basketball and badminton我喜欢打篮球和羽毛球2My;battledore 羽毛球拍旧称 battledore and shuttlecock 羽毛球运动旧称 broken shuttle 坏球 carrying 持球 centre line 中线 change courts 交换场地 change ends 交换场地 change serv courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位 cho of;您好,很高兴为您答题the badminton sport羽毛球运动英#712b#230dm#618nt#601n 美#712b#230d#716m#618nt#601n 请您采纳~;badminton 羽毛球搬的咪ten对不起,不知道音标。

3、“羽毛球”英语写法badminton 读法英 #39b#230dm#618nt#601n 美 #39b#230dm#618nt#601n释义n 羽毛球 例句1Two badminton teams ended in a draw两支羽毛球队打成平局2I;the sport of badminton badminton sport羽毛球运动 Badminton sport is a kind of profound cultural heritage, decorous temperament andadapt to people pursuit vogue, paying attention to health needs of sports 羽毛球;badminton ^_^ badmintonbad坏的,min小的,ton桶,连起来就是坏的小桶想想羽毛球是不是可以称为坏的小桶哈哈 当然不是建议您这么记,以上纯属个人恶搞是我次接触这个单词时很自然就这么想的。

4、打羽毛球的英文是play badminton 例句1Did you go play badminton?你去打羽毛球了1、第二发球:Second server.2Lan Lan Well then can you play badminton with me for a while?兰兰那你可以和我打一会儿羽毛球吗3I used to。

5、badminton指的是“羽毛球运动”,而非“羽毛球”,“羽毛球”是shuttlecock例句1Their shuttlecock ended up on the tree branch他们的羽毛球结果落到树枝上了 2I like to play badminton in my spare time我。


4、再赛3分,0比0:Setting3 point, love all.

History and dlopment The beginnings of Badminton can be traced to mid-18th century British India, where it was created by British military offrs stationed there. Early photographs show Englishmen adding a net to the traditional English of battledore and shuttlecock. Being particularly popular in the British garrison town Poona (now Pune), the also came to be known as Poona. Initially, balls of wool were preferred by the upper classes in windy or wet conditions, but ultimay the shuttlecock stuck. This was taken by retired offrs back to England where it dloped and rules were set out.As early as 1860, Isaac Spratt, a London toy dealer, published a booklet, Badminton Battledore - a new , but unfortunay no copy has survived.The new sport was definitively launched in 1873 at the Badminton House, Gloucestershire, owned by the Duke of Beaufort. During that time, the was referred to as "The Game of Badminton," and the 's official name became Badminton.Until 1887, the sport was played in England under the rules that prevailed in British India. The Bath Badminton Club standardized the rules and made the applicable to English ideas. The basic regulations were drawn up in 1887. In 1893, the Badminton Association of England published the first set of rules according to these regulations, similar to today's rules, and officially launched badminton in a house called "Dunbar" at 6 Werley Grove, Portouth, England on September 13 of that year. They also started the All England Open Badminton Championships, the first badminton competition in the world, in 1899.The International Badminton Federation (IBF) (now known as Badminton World Federation) was established in 1934 with Canada, Denmark, England, France, the Nerlands, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, and Wales as its founding members. India joined as an affiliate in 1936. The BWF now governs international badminton and dlops the sport globally.While set out in England, competitive badminton in Europe has traditionally been dominated by Denmark. Indonesia, South Korea, China and Malaysia are among the nations that he consistently produced world-class players in the past few decades and dominated competitions on the international ll, with China being the most dominant in recent years.希望帮到你啦~



羽毛球的英文名是 badminton。 玩 Badminton 的必备是球拍。英文是 badminton racket;羽毛球,英文是 shuttle-cock,或是 shuttlecock吧!

羽毛球 英文 应该怎么说呢?「羽毛球」的英文叫做badminton,如果你平常也喜欢打羽毛球,那么就一定要知道羽毛球的英文,不然说不出来,可就丢脸啦!

参考: badminton

下面整理了6、你拖带球了:You slung the shuttle.「羽毛球」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧!


例: Tom really loves to play badminton. 汤姆真的喜欢打羽毛球。

badminton, badminton 中文, badminton 中文意思, badminton 中文的意思, badminton 中文解释, badminton 意思, badminton 用法, badminton 翻译, 羽毛球 英文, 羽毛球 英文怎么说, 羽毛球的英文, 英文 badminton, 英文 羽毛球

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